this is an almost complete list of the documents on the website, you can type with or without diacritics, and search for name, reference, number, etc. partial matches work (try typing "buddh")
Dhamma Verses Commentary
A New Revised Translation of the Dhammapada Commentary August 2024
Canon and Commentaries
The Canon and its Main Commentaries and Sub-commentaries May 2024
The Buddhas and their Particulars
Birth Place, Father and Mother, Class, etc. November 2023
The Great Chronicles of the Buddhas
The Bodhisatta, the 24 Buddhas, our Buddha and his Disciples November 2023
The Buddhas and our Bodhisatta
Our Bodhisatta’s meetings with the 24 Buddhas. September 2023
Jātakagāthāvaṇṇanā, 251-300
The Jātaka Verses and their Word Commentaries (251-300) November 2022
The Jātaka Verses and their Word Commentaries, 251-300
(Jātakagāthāvaṇṇanā, 251-300) November 2022
Jātakagāthāvaṇṇanā, 151-250
The Jātaka Verses and their Word Commentaries (151-250) August 2022
The Jātaka Verses and their Word Commentaries, 151-250
(Jātakagāthāvaṇṇanā, 151-250) August 2022
Jātakagāthāvaṇṇanā, 1-150
The Jātaka Verses and their Word Commentaries
Pāḷi and English
The Jātaka Verses and their Word Commentaries, 1-150
(Jātakagāthāvaṇṇanā, 1-150)
English Only
Ja 526 Naḷinikājātakaṁ
Naḷinika’s Story or: The Seduction of an Innocent
Pāḷi and English
Ja 526 Naḷinikā’s Story
or: The Seduction of an Innocent
English Only
Ja 273 Kacchapajātaka
The Story about (the Biting) Turtle
Pāḷi and English
Ja 273 The Story about the Biting Turtle
English Only
Ja 273 Kacchapajātaka
English and Latin
Ja 3 Serivavāṇijajātaka
The Story about the Tradesman from Serivā
Pāḷi and English
Ja 3 The Story about the Tradesman from Serivā
English Only
Ja 2 Vaṇṇupathajātaka
The Story about a Sandy Place
Pāḷi and English
Ja 2 The Story about a Sandy Place
English Only
Ja 1 Apaṇṇakajātaka
The Story about what is Unquestionable
Pāḷi and English
Ja 1 The Story about what is Unquestionable
English Only
November, 2021
The Birth Stories
547 Stories from the Jātaka Commentary (Revised and Reconstructed) (Ja)
English Only
Previously Published
From Buddha-to-be to Teacher
English Only
The Great Chapter (Mv 1-4)
English Only
The Discourse about the Noble Search (MN 26)
English Only
The Discourse to Prince Bodhi (MN 85)
English Only
Exalted Utterances (Udāna, KN 3)
English Only
The Way to the Beyond (Snp 5)
English Only
The Great Emancipation (DN 16)
English Only
Buddhakhetta and Buddhāpadāna (Ap 1.1 and Essay)
English Only
Why the Buddha Suffered (Ap 39.10 and Comm.)
English Only
The Stories about the Foremost Elder Nuns (AN & AA 8.51-53)
English Only
Three Discourses concerning Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī (AN 8.51-53)
English Only
The Discourse giving the Analysis of Offerings (MN 142)
English Only
Thematic Discourses about Nuns (SN 5)
English Only
Nandaka’s Advice (MN 146 & AA 1.4.7)
English Only
Arahat Dhammadinnā’s Teaching (MN 44 & Comms.)
English Only
Khemā Therī’s Wisdom (SN 44.1)
English Only
Arahat Saṅghamittā’s Story
English Only
The Bhikṣuṇī Maṇimēkhalai
English Only
Dhamma Topics and their Analysis Dhammatthavinicchaya (collection)
English Only
The Short Readings (KN 1)
English Only
Sentences of the Law
English Only
Dhamma Verses
English Only
Patna Dhamma Verses
English Only
Buddhist Wisdom Verses
English Only
The Discourse that Set the Dhamma Wheel Rolling
English Only
The Discourse concerning Vāseṭṭha (MN 98)
English Only
The Discourse giving the Analysis of the Truths (MN 141)
English Only
The Analysis of Conditional Origination (SN 12.2)
English Only
The Second Discourse giving an Analysis of the Faculties (SN 48.10)
English Only
The Discourse about the Belief Systems (AN 3.61)
English Only
The Discourse about Suitable Deeds (AN 4.61)
English Only
The Discourse on the Dishonest (AN & AA 4.70)
English Only
The Discourse on the Right Use (of Wealth) (AN 5.41)
English Only
The Six Factors of Giving (AN 6.37)
English Only
The First Discourse on the Bases for Talk (AN 10.69)
English Only
The Discourse about the Ways of Attending to Mindfulness (DN 22)
English Only
The Long Discourse Giving Advice to Rāhula (MN 62)
English Only
The Discourse about Mindfulness while Breathing (MN. 118)
English Only
The Discourse about Mindfulness related to the Body (MN. 119)
English Only
The Discourse Concerning Māluṅkyaputta (SN 35. 95)
English Only
The Discourse to Girimānanda (AN 10:60)
English Only
The Matrix from the Abstract Teaching (Dhammasaṅgaṇī 1 & 2)
English Only
The Analysis of Conditional Origination (Vibh. 6)
English Only
The Analysis of the Ways of Attending to Mindfulness (Vibh. 7)
English Only
The Enumeration and Explanation of the Conditions (Paṭṭhāna 1 & 2)
English Only
Ja 526 Naḷinikā’s Story
or: The Seduction of an Innocent
English Only
Buddhist Legends
300 Stories from the Dhammapada Commentary (Dhp-A)
English Only
Buddhist Parables
220 Stories from Canonical, Para-Canonical and Commentarial sources
English Only
The Introduction to the Story of the Cuckoo
or: The Buddha goes to War (from Jā 536)
English Only
Saṅkha’s Story
or: Paccekabuddhas Teach Awakening (from DhpA 290)
English Only
The Life of the Victorious Buddha
translation of Jinacarita
English Only
The Chronicle of the Island Dīpavaṁsa
English Only
The Light of Asia by Sir Edwin Arnold
English Only
Buddha, a poem by Madame A. Christina Albers
English Only
The Entrance into the Light of the Dharma (from Lalitavistara)
English Only
The Earliest Recorded Discourses of the Buddha
(from Lalitavistara, Mahākhandaka & Mahāvastu )
English Only
The Journey from Uruvilvā to Ṛṣipatana (from Mahāvastu)
English Only
The Discourse that Set the Dharma-Wheel Rolling (from Lalitavistara)
English Only
The Discourse on Arising and Ceasing (The Fourth Discourse of the Buddha) (Mhv pp. 446-9)
English Only
The Explanation and Analysis of Conditional Origination from the Beginning
English Only
An Analysis of the Topics (Arthaviniścaya)
English Only
The Dharma Collection (Dharma-Saṅgraha)
English Only
The Analysis of Deeds (Karma-vibhaṅga)
English Only
Garland of Birth Stories
J. S. Speyer’s translation of Āryaśūra’s Jātakamālā
English Only
The Buddha Carita or The Life of the Buddha
E.B. Cowell’s translation of Aśvaghoṣa’s Buddhacarita
English Only
Ramayana, The Epic of Rama, Prince of India
Condensed into English Verse by Romesh C. Dutt
English Only
Mahabharata, Epic of the Bharatas
Condensed into English Verse by Romesh C. Dutt
English Only
The Aspiration for the Good Life
English Only
Chanting for Meditators
Chanting in Pāḷi and English
Chanting for Meditators in Pāḷi and English
Chanting for Meditators in Pāḷi and English
Chanting for Meditators in Pāḷi and English
Chanting for Meditators in Pāḷi and English
Chanting for Meditators in Pāḷi and English
Chanting for Meditators in Pāḷi and English
Chanting for Meditators in Pāḷi and English
Chanting for Meditators in Pāḷi and English
Chanting for Meditators in Pāḷi and English
Chanting for Meditators in Pāḷi and English
Chanting for Meditators in Pāḷi and English
Chanting for Meditators in Pāḷi and English
Chanting for Meditators in Pāḷi and English
Chanting for Meditators in Pāḷi and English
Chanting for Meditators in Pāḷi and English
Chanting for Meditators in Pāḷi and English
Chanting for Meditators in Pāḷi and English
Chanting for Meditators in Pāḷi and English
Lovingkindness – Aspiration – Sharing of Merits
Chanting for Meditators in Pāḷi and English
Safeguard Recitals
Chanting in Pāḷi and English
The Great Safeguard
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
1. Opening Ceremony
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
2. Tiratanaguṇavandanā
Worshipping the Virtues of the Three Treasures
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
3. Mahāmaṅgalasuttaṁ
The Discourse on the Great Blessings
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
4. Ratanasuttaṁ
The Discourse on the Treasures
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
5. Karaṇīyamettasuttaṁ
The Discourse on how Friendliness Meditation should be Done
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
6. Protection and Blessing Verses
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
The Four Recitals
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
The First Recital
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
1. Saraṇagamanaṁ
Going for Refuge
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
2. Dasasikkhāpadāni
The Ten Training Rules
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
3. Sāmaṇerapañhaṁ
The Questions to the Novice
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
4. Dvattiṁsākāraṁ
The Thirty-Two Fold Nature
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
5. Paccavekkhaṇā
The Reflections
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
6. Dasadhammasuttaṁ
The Discourse on the Ten Things
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
7. Mahāmaṅgalasuttaṁ
The Discourse on the Great Blessings
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
8. Ratanasuttaṁ
The Discourse on the Treasures
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
9. Karaṇīyamettasuttaṁ
The Discourse on how Friendliness Meditation should be Done
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
10. Khandhaparittaṁ
The Safeguard of the Constituent Groups (of Mind & Body)
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
11. Mettānisaṁsasuttaṁ
The Discourse on the Advantages of Friendliness Meditation
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
12. Mittānisaṁsaṁ
The Advantages of Friendship
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
13. Moraparittaṁ
The Peacock’s Safeguard
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
14. Candaparittaṁ
The Moon’s Safeguard
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
15. Suriyaparittaṁ
The Sun’s Safeguard
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
16. Dhajaggaparittaṁ
Safeguard through the Top of a Banner
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
17. MahāKassapattherabojjhaṅgaṁ
The Factor of Awakening Concerning the Elder Mahā Kassapa
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
18. MahāMoggallānattherabojjhaṅgaṁ
The Factor of Awakening Concerning the Elder Mahā Moggallāna
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
19. MahāCundattherabojjhaṅgaṁ
The Factor of Awakening Concerning the Elder Mahā Cunda
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
20. Girimānandasuttaṁ
The Discourse to Girimānanda
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
21. Isigilisuttaṁ
The Discourse about Isigili
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
Atirekāni Sattasuttāni
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
22. Dhammacakkappavattanasuttaṁ
The Discourse that Set the Dhamma Wheel Rolling
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
23. Mahāsamayasuttaṁ
The Discourse on the Great Convention
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
24. Ālavakasuttaṁ
The Discourse concerning Ālavaka
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
25. Kasībhāradvājasuttaṁ
The Discourse concerning Kasībhāradvāja
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
26. Parābhavasuttaṁ
The Discourse on Ruin
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
27. Vasalasuttaṁ
The Discourse on the Outcastes
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
28. Saccavibhaṅgasuttaṁ
The Discourse giving the Analysis of the Truths
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
29a. Āṭānāṭiyasuttaṁ (Part One) The Āṭānāṭiya Discourse
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
29b. Āṭānāṭiyasuttaṁ (Part Two) The Āṭānāṭiya Discourse
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
Supplementary Texts
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
1. Jayamaṅgalagāthā
Verses on the Blessings of Success
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
2. Mahājayamaṅgalagāthā
The Verses on the Great Blessings of Success
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
3. Āṇakkhettaparittaṁ
Safeguard in this Order’s Domain
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
4. Jinapañjaraṁ
The Victors’ Armour
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
5. Aṭṭhavīsatiparittaṁ
Safeguard through the Twenty-Eight Buddhas
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
6. Caturārakkhā Bhāvanā
Four Protective Meditations
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
7. Cakkavāḷamettabhāvanā
Universal Friendliness Meditation
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
8. Aṅgulimālaparittaṁ
The Aṅgulimāla Safeguard
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
9. Bojjhaṅgaparittaṁ
The Safeguard about the Factors of Awakening
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
10. Vaṭṭakaparittaṁ
The Discourse about the Quail
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
11. Phandanaparittaṁ
The Tree Safeguard
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
12. Narasīhagāthā
Verses about a Lion of a Man
Safeguard Recitals in Pāḷi and English
Daily Chanting
Chanting in Pāḷi and English
Āṇakkhettaparittaṁ, 1
Safeguard in this Order’s Domain
The Discourse on the Ten Things
Recollection of the Buddha
The Discourse on the Great Blessings
Āṇakkhettaparittaṁ, 2
Safeguard in this Order’s Domain
The Discourse on the Treasures
Mettā Bhāvanā
The Development of Friendliness Meditation
The Discourse on how Friendliness Meditation should be Done
Perception of the Unattractive
Khandhaparittaṁ (part)
The Protection of Mind and Body
Conditional Arising
Recollection of Death
The Discourse on the Advantages of Friendliness Meditation
Safeguard through the Top of a Banner
Verses from the Dhammapada
Verses of Determination
Confession of Faults
Asking for Forgiveness
Thai Chanting
Chanting in Pāḷi and English
Mettabhāvanā (Śrī Laṅkā version)
Chanting in Pāḷi and English
Mettabhāvanā (Universal version)
Chanting in Pāḷi and English
Chanting in Pāḷi and English
Aggasāvikā Bhikkhunī Gāthā
Chanting in Pāḷi and English
Pāḷi and English
Pāḷi and English
Mahākhandhako (Vin. Mv. 1-4)
The Great Chapter
Pāḷi and English
Ariyapariyesanasuttaṁ (MN 26)
The Discourse about the Noble Search
Pāḷi and English
Bodhirājakumārasuttaṁ (MN 85)
The Discourse to Prince Bodhi
Pāḷi and English
Udāna (KN 3)
Exalted Utterances
Pāḷi and English
Pārāyanavaggo (Snp 5)
The Way to the Beyond
Pāḷi and English
Mahāparinibbānasuttaṁ (DN 16)
The Discourse about the Great Emancipation
Pāḷi and English
Pubbakammapilotika-Buddhāpadānaṁ (Apadāna 39.10 & Comm.)
The Connection with Previous Deeds
Pāḷi and English
Aggatherīvatthu (AN & AA 8.51-53)
The Stories about the Foremost Elder Nuns
Pāḷi and English
Mahāpajāpatigotamī-tisuttāni (AN 8.51-53)
Three Discourses concerning Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī
Pāḷi and English
Dakkhiṇāvibhaṅghasuttaṁ (MN 142)
The Analysis of Offerings
Pāḷi and English
Bhikkhunīsaṁyutta (SN 5)
Thematic Discourses about Nuns
Pāḷi and English
Nandakovāda (MN 146 & MA 146 & AA 1.4.7)
Nandaka’s Advice
Pāḷi and English
Cūḷavedallasuttaṁ (MN 44 & Comms.)
The Small Discourse giving an Elaboration
Pāḷi and English
Khemāsuttaṁ (SN 44.1)
The Discourse about Khemā
Pāḷi and English
Aggasāvikā Bhikkhunī Gāthā
The Great Nun Disciples Verses
Pāḷi and English
Dhamma Topics and their Analysis (collection)
Pāḷi and English
Khuddakapāṭha (KN 1)
The Short Readings
Pāḷi and English
Dhammapada (KN 2)
Dhamma Verses
Pāḷi and English
Patna Dhammapada
Patna Dhamma Verses
Pāḷi and English
Buddhanīti Saṅgaho
A Collection of Buddhist Wisdom Verses
Pāḷi and English
Dhammacakkappavattanasuttaṁ (Vinaya Mv 1)
The Discourse that Set the Dhamma Wheel Rolling
Pāḷi and English
Vāseṭṭhasuttaṁ (MN & MA 98)
The Discourse concerning Vāseṭṭha
Pāḷi and English
Saccavibhaṅghasuttaṁ (MN 141)
The Discourse giving the Analysis of the Truths
Pāḷi and English
(Paṭiccasamuppāda)-Vibhaṅgasuttaṁ (SN 12.2)
The Discourse giving the Analysis (of Conditional Origination)
Pāḷi and English
Dutiya[-indriya]vibhaṅgasuttaṁ (SN 48.10)
The Second Discourse giving an Analysis of the Faculties
Pāḷi and English
Titthāyatanasuttaṁ (AN 3.62)
The Belief Systems
Pāḷi and English
The First Discourse on the Bases for Talk (AN 10.69)
Pāḷi and English
The Discourse about Suitable Deeds (AN 4.61)
Pāḷi and English
The Discourse on the Dishonest (AN & AA 4.70)
Pāḷi and English
The Discourse on the Right Use (of Wealth) (AN 5.41)
Pāḷi and English
The Six Factors of Giving (AN & AA 6.37)
Pāḷi and English
The Long Discourse about the Ways of Attending to Mindfulness (DN 22)
Pāḷi and English
The Long Discourse Giving Advice to Rāhula (MN 62)
Pāḷi and English
The Discourse about Mindfulness while Breathing (MN 118)
Pāḷi and English
The Discourse about Mindfulness related to the Body (MN 119)
Pāḷi and English
The Discourse Concerning Māluṅkyaputta (SN 35. 95)
Pāḷi and English
The Discourse to Girimānanda (AN 10:60)
Pāḷi and English
The Matrix from the Abstract Teaching (Dhammasaṅgaṇī 1 & 2)
Pāḷi and English
Analysis of Conditional Origination (Vibh. 6)
Pāḷi and English
Analysis of the Ways of Attending to Mindfulness (Vibh. 7)
Pāḷi and English
The Enumeration and Explanation of the Conditions (Paṭṭhāna 1 & 2)
Pāḷi and English
Ja 526 Naḷinikājātakavaṇṇanā
or: The Seduction of an Innocent
Pāḷi and English
Kuṇālajātakanidānaṁ (from Jā 536)
or: The Buddha goes to War
Pāḷi and English
Saṅkhakathā (from DhpA 290)
or: Paccekabuddhas Teach Awakening
Pāḷi and English
The Life of the Victorious Buddha (Pāḷi, 13th c. Śrī Laṁkan Text)
Pāḷi and English
The Chronicle of the Island
Pāḷi and English
Asoka and the Missions
from the Extended Mahāvaṁsa
Pāḷi and English
Entrance into the Light of the Dharma (from Lalitavistara Ch. 4)
Sanskritised Prākt and English
Uruvilvāto Ṛṣipatanaṁ Gamanaṁ
The Journey from Uruvilvā to Ṛṣipatana (Mhv pp. 322-329)
Sanskritised Prākt and English
The Discourse that Set the Dharma-Wheel Rolling (from Lalitavistara)
Sanskritised Prākt and English
The Discourse on Arising and Ceasing (The Fourth Discourse of the Buddha) (Mhv pp. 443-9)
Sanskritised Prākt and English
The Discourse giving the Explanation and Analysis of Conditional Origination from the Beginning
Sanskritised Prākt and English
An Analysis of the Topics
Sanskritised Prākt and English
The Dharma Collection
Sanskritised Prākt and English
The Analysis of Deeds
Sanskritised Prākt and English
The Buddhacarita or Life of Buddha
(Sanskrit, 1st c. C.E.)
Sanskrit and English
The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom
Sanskrit and English
The Aspiration for the Good Life
Sanskrit and English
Pāḷi in Sinhala Script written on Ola Leaf
BJT Pātimokkhapāḷi
Pāḷi Text Only
Mahākhandhako (Mv 1-4)
Pāḷi Text Only
Mahāparinibbānasuttaṁ (DN 16)
Pāḷi Text Only
Mahāsatipaṭṭhānasuttaṁ (DN 22)
Pāḷi Text Only
Bhikkhunīsaṁyuttaṁ (SN 5)
Pāḷi Text Only
New Khuddakapāṭha (KN 1)
Pāḷi Text and Metre Analysis
New Dhammapada (KN 2)
Pāḷi Text and Metre Analysis
Study of the Parallels to the Dhammapada Verses (KN 2)
Pāḷi & Sanskritised Prākt Text
BJT Udānapāḷi (KN 3)
Pāḷi Text Only
BJT Itivuttakapāḷi (KN 4)
Pāḷi Text Only
Pubbakammapilotika-Buddhāpadānaṁ (Ap 39.10 & Comm.)
Pāḷi Text Only
Pāḷi Text Only
Dhammatthavinicchaya A collection of classic passages from the Pāḷi texts
Pāḷi Text Only
Catubhāṇavārapāḷi, A New Edition
Pāḷi Text and Metre Analysis
Pocketbook of Protections
Pāḷi Text Only
Buddhanīti Saṅgaho
Pāḷi Text and Metre Analysis
Pāḷi Text and Metre Analysis
Pāḷi Text and Metre Analysis
Jātaka-aṭṭhakathā (Ja)
Pāḷi Text Only
Naḷinikājātakavaṇṇanā (Ja 526)
Pāḷi Text and Metre Analysis
A Comparative Edition of the Dhammapada
Pāḷi & Sanskritised Prākt Text
The Uraga Verses
Pāḷi & Sanskritised Prākt Text
The Patna Dharmapada
Sanskritised Prākt Text and Metre Analysis
Sanskritised Prākt Text and Metre Analysis
Sanskrit Text and Metre Analysis
Ratanasutta - A Comparative Edition
Pāḷi & Sanskritised Prākt Text
A Comparison of the Pāḷi Udānas and the Udānavarga
Pāḷi & Sanskritised Prākt Text
Syntax of the Cases in the Pali Nikayas
Navapadamañjarī A New Collection of Sentences (illustrating Pāḷi case endings)
A Grammatical Analysis of Three Discourses
(Maṅgala, Ratana and Mettā)
A Practical Guide to Pāḷi Grammar
Grammatical Terms (Bhikkhu Nyanamoli)
Light on Pāḷi Pronunciation (Ledi Sayadaw)
The Parsing of Pāḷi
Pāḷi Numbers
Pāḷi Word Endings
Schema for the Transliteration of Sanskrit and Pāḷi
Transforming Sanskrit into Pāḷi
The Pronunciation of Pāḷi
Vuttodaya, The Composition of Metre
Pāḷi Prosody
An Outline of the Metres in the Pāḷi Canon (3rd Revised Edition)
Pāḷi Prosody
The Main Metres in the Pāḷi Canon
Pāḷi Prosody
Metre Tables (Chandaḥprasthāra)
Pāḷi Prosody
A Comparative Table of the Metres found in ChŚā, VR, & Vutt
Pāḷi Prosody
Pārāyanavagga - A New Edition
Pāḷi Prosody
Examples of Classical Metres from Mahāvaṁsa
Pāḷi Prosody
Studies in Ven. Buddhadatta’s Prosody
Pāḷi Prosody
Śrī Piṁgala’s Chandaḥśāstra (Classical Sanskrit Prosody)
Sanskrit Prosody
Vttaratnākara (Classical Sanskrit Prosody)
Sanskrit Prosody
Śrutabodha (39 Classical Sanskrit Metres)
Sanskrit Prosody
Old Javanese Metres
Javanese Prosody
A.L. Basham on Indian Prosody
Article on Sanskrit Prosody
A.A. Macdonell on Vedic Metre
Article on Sanskrit Prosody
A.K. Warder on Pāli Metre
Article on Pāḷi Prosody
Charles Duroiselle on Medieval Pali Prosody
Article on Pāḷi Prosody
A.A. Macdonell on Metre in Classical Sanskrit
Article on Sanskrit Prosody
M. Winternitz on Indian Prosodic Literature
Article on Sanskrit Prosody
E.V. Arnold extract from Vedic Metre in its Historical Development
Article on Sanskrit Prosody
A. B. Keith on The Metre Of The Bhaddevatā
Article on Sanskrit Prosody
J.H. Moore giving a Metrical Analysis of the Pāli Iti-vuttaka
Article on Pāḷi Prosody
K.R. Norman on The origins of the āryā metre
Article on Pāḷi Prosody
Franklin Edgerton on Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit
Article on Sanskrit Prosody
Geography of Early Buddhism
by Bimala Churn Law
The Theravāda Lineage
(Nikāya Saṅgrahaya)
On the Chronicles of Ceylon
Bimala Churn Law
A Summary of the Mahāvastu
Bimala Churn Law
The Beginnings of Buddhist Art
by A. Foucher
From the Living Fountains of Buddhism
Ananda W.P. Guruge
Literary History of
Sanskrit Buddhism by J. K. Nariman
Beginnings of Indian Studies in Europe
Article by J. K. Nariman
Treasure Trove of Ancient Literatures
Article by J. K. Nariman
Buddhist Drama
Article by Moriz Winternitz
Most Ancient Buddhist Records
Article by Moriz Winternitz
The Introduction to the Jātaka Stories
Article by T. W. Rhys Davids
The Four Noble Truths (Cattāri Ariyasaccāni)
The 37 Things on the Side of Awakening (Sattatiṁsa Bodhipakkhiyadhammā)
The Six Deep Knowledges (Cha Abhiññā)
Versions of Conditional Origination (Paṭiccasamuppādaṁ)
The Foremost and the Eighty Great Disciples
Known Nun Disciples of the Buddha
Thirty Things that Invariably Happen with the Buddhas
Basic Structure of the Pāḷi Tipiṭaka
Suttapiṭaka Index,
with links to Pāḷi Text and Translation(s)
Beyond the Tipiṭaka
Three Alternate Divisions of the Buddha’s Words
Analysis of the Bhikkhu Pātimokkha
The Realms of Existence
Simple Buddhist-Christian Era Conversion
Days, Months and Seasons in Pāḷi