2: Kāmavarga
kāma jānāmi te mūlaṁ saṁkalpāt kāma jāyase |
na tvāṁ saṁkalpayiṣyāmi tato me na bhaviṣyasi || 2.1 [46]
kāmebhyo jāyate śokaḥ kāmebhyo jāyate bhayam |
kāmebhyo vipramuktānāṁ nāsti śokaḥ kuto bhayam || 2.2 [47]
ratibhyo jāyate śoko ratibhyo jāyate bhayam |
ratibhyo vipramuktānāṁ nāsti śokaḥ kuto bhayam || 2.3 [48]
madhurāgrā vipāke tu kaṭukā hy abhinanditāḥ |
kāmā dahanti vai bālān ulkevāmuñcataḥ karam || 2.4 [49]
⏑−⏑−,¦−⏑⏑¦−⏑−− Triṣṭubh
na tad dḍhaṁ bandhanam āhur āryā
yad āyasaṁ dāravaṁ balbajaṁ vā |
saṁraktacittasya hi mandabuddheḥ
putreṣu dāreṣu ca yā avekṣā || 2.5 [50]
−−⏑−.¦−⏑⏑¦−⏑−− Triṣṭubh
etad dḍhaṁ bandhanam āhur āryāḥ
samantataḥ susthiraṁ duṣpramokṣam |
−⏑⏑−−¦−,⏑⏑¦−⏑−− The opening is irregular here, we should read etam pi chitvā (−−⏑−¦−) to correct the metre. Dhp 346c reads: etam-pi chetvāna paribbajanti, which gives the normal opening −−⏑−.
etad api cchitvā tu parivrajanti
hy anapekṣiṇaḥ kāmasukhaṁ prahāya || 2.6 [51]
⏑−−−,¦−⏑−¦−⏑−− Triṣṭubh This line has the Vedic opening ⏓−−−.
na te kāmā yāni citrāṇi loke
saṁkalparāgaḥ puruṣasya kāmaḥ |
tiṣṭhanti citrāṇi tathaiva loke
⏑−⏑−¦−,⏑⏑¦−⏑−− cch- in cchandaṁ is purely orthographical (it would be ch- in Pāḷi) and clearly does not make position here; this is significant because ch normally does make position in Sanskrit (which is why it is sometimes written cch), but that is not the case in Pāḷi.
athātra dhīrā vinayanti cchandam || 2.7 [52]
⏑−⏑−¦−,⏑⏑¦−⏑−− Triṣṭubh
na santi nityā manujeṣu kāmāḥ
−−⏑−¦−,−⏑−¦−⏑−− An example of the extended form of the Triṣṭubh metre, pausing at the 5th, and restarting from the same position; cf. SN 1.102: santīdha kamanīyāni yesu baddho.
santi tv anityāḥ kāmino yatra baddhāḥ |
tāṁs tu prahāya hy apunarbhavāya
hy anāgataṁ mtyudheyaṁ vadāmi || 2.8 [53]
chandajāto hy avasrāvī manasānāvilo bhavet |
−−−−⏑⏑,¦−⏑−−¦¦−−−−¦⏑−⏑− 9 syllable ravipulā The opening is hypermetric here, cf. Dhp 218cd: kāmesu ca appaṭibaddhacitto, uddhaṁsoto ti vuccati.
kāmeṣu tv apratibaddhacitta ūrdvasroto nirucyate || 2.9 [54]
anupūrveṇa medhāvī stokaṁ stokaṁ kṣaṇe kṣaṇe |
karmāro rajatasyaiva nirdhamen malam ātmanaḥ || 2.10 [55]
⏑⏑−[⏑⏑]¦⏑−⏑−¦¦⏑⏑−−¦⏑−⏑− Anuṣṭubh We can either read this line as having Sanskritisation = rathakāra 'va; or take it that the Sanskritisation is incomplete and read: rathakāreva here; cf. Ja 467.45: rathakāro va cammassa. We could also read ratha- as resolved, but I think there is no doubt that it is the Sanskritisation that is causing the anomaly here.
rathakāra iva carmaṇaḥ parikartann upānaham |
yad yaj jahāti kāmānāṁ tat tat saṁpadyate sukham || 2.11 [56]
sarvaṁ cet sukham iccheta sarvakāmāṁ parityajet |
sarvakāmaparityāgī hy atyantaṁ sukham edhate || 2.12 [57]
−−−−¦⏑⏑⏑−¦¦⏑−−⏑¦⏑−⏑− navipulā
yāvat kāmān anusaraṁ na tptiṁ manaso 'dhyagāt |.
⏑−⏑−¦−⏑⏑¦−⏑−− Triṣṭubh
tato nivttiṁ pratipaśyamānās
−−−−¦−⏑−¦−⏑−− Vedic opening This line has the Vedic opening discussed in Study 2 on the Metres. Jā 467.6 reads: te ve sutittā ye paññāya tittā, which has the normal opening, but an unusual heavy 6th syllable.
te vai tptāḥ prajñayā ye sutptāḥ || 2.13 [58]
śreyasī prajñayā tptir na hi kāmair vitpyate |
prajñayā puruṣaṁ tptaṁ tṣṇā na kurute vaśam || 2.14 [59]
−−⏑−¦−⏑⏑¦−⏑−− Triṣṭubh
gddhā hi kāmeṣu narāḥ pramattā
hy adharme bata te ratāḥ |
antarāyaṁ na te paśyanty alpake jīvite sati || 2.15 [60]
−−⏑−,¦−⏑−−¦¦−⏑−⏑¦⏑−⏑− ravipulā
durmedhasaṁ hanti bhogo na tv ihātmagaveṣiṇam |
durmedhā bhogatṣnābhir hanty ātmānam atho parān || 2.16 [61]
na karṣāpaṇavarṣeṇa tptiḥ kāmair hi vidyate |
alpāsvādasukhāḥ kāṁā iti vijñāya paṇḍitaḥ || 2.17 [62]
api divyeṣu kāmeṣu sa ratiṁ nādhigacchati |
tṣṇākṣayarato bhavati buddhānāṁ śrāvakaḥ sadā || 2.18 [63]
parvato 'pi suvarṇasya samo himavatā bhavet |
vittaṁ taṁ nālam ekasya etaj jñātvā samaṁ caret || 2.19 [64]
−−⏑−,¦−⏑⏑¦−⏑−− Triṣṭubh
duḥkaṁ hi yo veda yato nidānaṁ
kāmeṣu jantu sa kathaṁ rameta |
⏑⏑−⏑−¦−,−⏑¦⏑⏑−− The break,which has a heavy 6th syllable, and the cadence, which has a light 8th, are both incorrect here - we should perhaps read śalyaṁ ti matvā, and understand replacement of two light syllables at the 6th. SI 487 reads: upadhiṁ viditvā saṅgo ti loke, which has to be scanned in this way: ⏑⏑−⏑−¦−,−¦−⏑−−.
upadhiṁ hi loke śalyam iti matvā
tasyaiva dhīro vinayāya śikṣet || 2.20 [65]
|| kāmavargaḥ 2 || ||
last updated: September 2005