Buddhanīti Saṅgaho

13: Yācanavaggo

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Jā 253 Maṇikaṇṭhajātakaṁ

“Mamannapānaṁ vipulaṁ uḷāraṁ

Uppajjatiṁ Text: Uppajjatim-; which spoils the opening; BJT, ChS, Thai: Uppajjatī-m-assa; which is an unusual and unnessary sandhi. The metre is easily corrected by reading the niggahīta, which is what has been adopted here. assa maṇissa hetu.”

“Taṁ te na dassaṁ atiyācako 'si,

Na cāpi te assamaṁ Text, ChS, Thai: assamam. āgamissaṁ. [237]


Susū yathā sakkharadhotapāṇī,

Tāsesi maṁ selaṁ yācamāno,

Taṁ te na dassaṁ atiyācako 'si,

Na cāpi te assamaṁ āgamissaṁ.” Text: assamaṁ, contrary to the preceding verse. [238]


⏑−−−,¦−⏑⏑¦−⏑−− Vedic opening
Na taṁ yāce yassa piyaṁ jigiṁse, ChS: jigīse; alternate spelling.

Desso hoti We could read Desso pi hoti to correct the opening. atiyācanāya.

Nāgo maṇiṁ yācito brāhmaṇena,

Adassanaṁ yeva tad-ajjhagāmā. All texts: ajjhagamā, which is against the normal cadence; easily corrected by lenghtening the vowel. [239]


Jā 323 Brahmadattajātakaṁ

Dvayaṁ yācanako, Rāja Brahmadatta, nigacchati

Alābhaṁ dhanalābhaṁ vā, evaṁ dhammā hi yācanā. [240]


“Yācanaṁ rodanaṁ,” āhu Pañcālānaṁ Rathesabha,

−−⏑−¦−−−−¦¦⏑−⏑⏑¦⏑−⏑− mavipulā The word-break occurs at the 4th, instead of the more usual 5th syllable.
“Yo yācanaṁ paccakkhāti,” tam-āhu “paṭirodanaṁ. [241]


Mā-m-addasaṁsu Thai: Maṁ māddasaṁsu. rodantaṁ, Pañcālā, susamāgatā,

Tuvaṁ vā paṭirodantaṁ, tasmā icchām' ahaṁ raho.” [242]


Jā 403 Aṭṭhisenajātakaṁ BJT: Aṭṭhīsena- in the title; but elsewhere Aṭṭhisena.

“Ye me ahaṁ na jānāmi, Aṭṭhisena, vaṇibbake, Text: vaṇibbakā; but an accusative is needed here; ChS, Thai: vanibbake; showing the n/ṇ alternation in the texts.

Te maṁ saṅgamma yācanti; kasmā maṁ tvaṁ Text: tvaṁ maṁ; same meaning. na yācasi.” [243]


“Yācako appiyo hoti, yācaṁ adadam-appiyo,

Tasmāhaṁ taṁ na yācāmi, mā me viddesanā Text, Thai: videssanā? ahu.” [244]


“Yo ve Thai: ca. yācanajīvāno, kāle yācaṁ na yācati,

⏑−⏑−¦−,−−−¦¦−⏑−⏑¦⏑−⏑− mavipulā
Parañ-ca puññā Thai: puññaṁ; singular. dhaṁseti, attanā pi na jīvati. [245]


Yo ca yācanajīvāno, kāle yācaṁ hi Thai: pi. yācati,

⏑−⏑−¦−,−−−¦¦−⏑−⏑¦⏑−⏑− mavipulā
Parañ-ca puññaṁ labbheti, attanā pi ca jīvati. [246]


Na ve dessanti BJT: dissanti; which doesn't give a good meaning; Thai: dussanti. sappaññā, disvā yācakam-āgataṁ, BJT, ChS, Thai: āgate; plural form?

Brahmacāri Thai: -cārī. piyo me 'si varataṁ ChS: vada tvaṁ; Thai: varabhaññitam-icchasi? I don't understand the form bhaññita. bhaññam-icchasi.” [247]


“Na ve yācanti sappaññā, Dhīro ChS, Thai add: ca; against the metre. veditum-arahati,

Uddissa Ariyā tiṭṭhanti, esā Ariyāna' yācanā.” [248]


Jā 478 Dūtajātakaṁ

⏑−−−¦−,−−−¦¦−−−−¦⏑−⏑− mavipulā
Sace te dukkhaṁ ChS, Thai: dukkham-; giving the pathyā cadence. uppajje, Kāsīnaṁ Raṭṭhavaḍḍhana,

Mā kho no ChS, Thai: naṁ. tassa akkhāhi yo taṁ dukkhā na mocaye. [249]


Yo tassa dukkhajātassa ekantam-api bhāgato Text: bhāgaso; ChS, Thai: ekaṅgam-api bhāgaso.

Vippamoceyya Dhammena: kāmaṁ tassa pavedaye. ChS, Thai: pavedaya. [250]


Yo attano dukkham-anānupuṭṭho,

Pavedaye jantŭ ŭ is m.c. to avoid the long 6th syllable. akālarūpe,

Ānandino Thai: Anandino tassa bhavanti mittā. tassa bhavantyamittā, BJT: bhavant' amittā; ChS: bhavanti 'mittā; different ways of forming the sandhi.

Hitesino tassa dukkhī Text, BJT, ChS: dukhī; but there is no reason for the simplification of the consonant cluster. bhavanti. [251]


Kālañ-ca ñatvāna tathāvidhassa,

Medhāvinaṁ ChS: Medhāvīnaṁ; unnecessary lengthening, giving the Vedic opening. ekamanaṁ viditvā,

Akkheyya tippāni Text, BJT, ChS: tibbāni; the same word with a different form. Cf. the next verse. parassa Dhīro,

Saṇhaṁ giraṁ atthavatiṁ pamuñce. [252]


⏑−⏑−¦−,⏑⏑¦−⏑−⏑− Jagatī
Sace ca jaññā avisayham-attano:

−−−⏑,¦−⏑⏑¦−⏑−− irregular opening
“Nāyaṁ nīti mayha' ChS, Thai: Na te hi mayhaṁ. sukhāgamāya,”

Eko pi tippāni Text: tippā ti. saheyya Dhīro,

Saccaṁ hirottappam-apekkhamāno. [253]