Buddhanīti Saṅgaho

14: Nindavaggo

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AN 8.5 Paṭhamalokadhammasuttaṁ

Lābho alābho ayaso yaso ChS, Thai: ca yasāyaso; same meaning. ca,

Nindā pasaṁsā ca sukhañ-ca dukkhaṁ: ChS, Thai: sukhaṁ dukhañ-ca.

Ete aniccā manujesu dhammā,

Asassatā vipariṇāmadhammā. Text, BJT, ChS: -pp-; but gemination is not expected here, nor is it needed by the metre. [254]


Dhp 227-8 Atula-upāsakavatthu

−−⏑−¦−⏑⏑−¦¦−−−⏑¦⏑−⏑− bhavipulā
Porāṇam-etaṁ, Atula, netaṁ ajjatanām-iva:

Nindanti tuṇhim-āsīnaṁ, nindanti bahubhāṇinaṁ,

Mitabhāṇim-pi nindanti, natthi loke anindito. [255]


⏑−⏑⏑⏑¦⏑−⏑−¦¦⏑−⏑⏑¦⏑−⏑− Anuṭṭhubha
Na cāhu na ca We can either understand na ca as resolved syllables; or better exclude na m.c., as it is not needed grammatically. bhavissati, na cetarahi vijjati

Ekantaṁ nindito poso, ekantaṁ vā pasaṁsito. [256]


Dhp 81 Lakuṇṭakabhaddiyattheravatthu

−−⏑−¦−⏑⏑−¦¦−−⏑⏑¦⏑−⏑− bhavipulā
Selo yathā ekaghano vātena na samīrati,

Evaṁ nindāpasaṁsāsu na samiñjanti Thai: sammiñjanti; both spellings are found. Paṇḍitā. [257]


Ud 3.3 Yasojasuttaṁ

−⏑⏑−−¦⏑−⏑− Vetālīya
Yassa jito kāmakaṇṭako,

−−−⏑⏑−¦⏑−⏑−− Opacchandasaka (x 3)
Akkoso ca vadho ca bandhanañ-ca,

Pabbato va Text, BJT: Pabbato viya. so ṭhito anejo,

Sukhadukkhesu na vedhatī Text, BJT both read: vedhati, which spoils the cadence. sa bhikkhu. [258]


AN 5.48 Alabbhanīyaṭhānasuttaṁ

Na socanāya paridevanāya, Thai: na paridevanāya; in which case we would have to understand it as being the extended metre, pausing and restarting at the 5th.

Atthodha laddhā Text, BJT: Attho ca labbho; Thai: Attho idha labbhati; against the metre. api appako pi.

Socantam-enaṁ dukhitaṁ Text: Dukkhitaṁ, but normally a heavy syllable at the 6th in the break is avoided. viditvā,

Paccatthikā attamanā bhavanti. [259]


Yato ca kho Paṇḍito āpadāsu,

Na vedhatī Again text writes vedhati, against the metre; as does Thai. atthavinicchayaññū,

Paccatthikāssa dukhitā Thai: dukkhitā; giving a heavy 6th syllable, which is normally avoided. bhavanti,

Disvā mukhaṁ avikāraṁ purāṇaṁ. [260]


Jappena mantena subhāsitena,

Anuppadānena paveṇiyā vā,

Yathā yathā yattha labhetha atthaṁ,

Tathā tathā tattha parakkameyya. [261]


Sace pajāneyya: alabbhaneyyo

⏑−−−¦−⏑,−¦−⏑−− Vedic opening
Mayā vā Text, BJT, ChS: va; to give the normal opening, but the Vedic opening is accetable. aññena vā esa attho.

Asocamāno adhivāsayeyya,

Kammaṁ daḷhaṁ -ḷh- does not make position here. kinti karomi dāni. [262]


Jā 351 Maṇikuṇḍalajātakaṁ

Pubbeva maccaṁ vijahanti bhogā,

−−−−,¦−⏑⏑¦−⏑−− Vedic opening
Macco vā te pubbataraṁ jahāti.

Asassatā bhogino, Kāmakāmi, BJT: Kāmakāmī; alternative spelling for the vocative.

Tasmā na socām' ahaṁ sokakāle. [263]


Udeti āpūrati veti cando, Thai: Udeti pūreti khīyati cando; the word is different but the meaning is the same.

−−⏑−¦−⏑,⏑¦−⏑−⏑− Jagatī
Atthaṁ tapetvāna Thai: Atthaṅgametvāna. paleti sūriyo.

Viditā Thai: Vijitā. mayā sattuka lokadhammā,

Tasmā na socām' ahaṁ sokakāle. [264]


Jā 461 Dasarathajātakaṁ

−⏑−−¦−,−−−¦¦−−⏑⏑¦⏑−⏑− mavipulā
Yaṁ na sakkā naṁ pāletuṁ Text, BJT: Yaṁ na sakkā pāletuṁ; which is short on syllables and meaning; ChS: nipāletuṁ; this corrects the metre, but I do not find nipāleti listed, so it probably a scribal correction. posena lapataṁ bahuṁ, BJT: lapatā bahu.

⏑−⏑−¦−,−−−¦¦−−⏑⏑¦⏑−⏑− mavipulā
Sa kissa Viññū medhāvī attānam-upatāpaye? [265]


Daharā ca hi ye vuddhā, ChS: hi vuddhā ca; Thai: vuḍḍhā. ye bālā ye ca Paṇḍitā.

Aḍḍhā Thai: Addhā; showing the d/ḍ alternation in the texts. ceva daḷiddā ChS, Thai: daliddā; showing the l/ḷ alternation in the texts. ca - sabbe maccuparāyaṇā. Thai: -parāyanā; showing the n/ṇ alternation in the texts. [266]


Phalānam-iva pakkānaṁ niccaṁ papatatā ChS: papanato? Thai: patanato; same meaning. bhayaṁ,

Evaṁ jātāna' maccānaṁ niccaṁ ChS: nicca? giving short syllables in 2nd and 3rd positions, which is normally avoided. I think this is perhaps a transcription error. maraṇato bhayaṁ. [267]


Sāyam-eke na dissanti pāto diṭṭhā bahujjanā, Text: bahujjanaṁ; Thai: bahū janā; splitting the compound.

Pāto eke na dissanti sāyaṁ diṭṭhā bahujjanā. [268]


Paridevayamāno ce, kiñcid-atthaṁ Text: kiñci atthaṁ; without the sandhi consonant. udabbahe

Sammūḷho hiṁsam-attānaṁ, kayirā cetaṁ ChS, Thai: kayirā taṁ; no doubt a scribal correction, not understanding the sarabhatti vowel. Vicakkhaṇo. [269]


⏑−⏑−¦−⏑⏑−¦¦−⏑−−¦⏑−⏑− bhavipulā
Kiso Thai: Kīso? Perhaps a transcription error. vivaṇṇo bhavati hiṁsam-attānam-attano, Text: hiṁsām-.

⏑−⏑−¦−,−−−¦¦⏑−−⏑¦⏑−⏑− mavipulā
Na tena petā pālenti, niratthā paridevanā. [270]


Yathā saraṇam-ādittaṁ vārinā parinibbaye, Thai: vārinā va nibbāpaye; same meaning.

−−⏑−¦−⏑⏑−¦¦−−−−¦⏑−⏑− bhavipulā
Evam-pi dhīro sutavā medhāvī Paṇḍito naro

Khippam-uppatitaṁ sokaṁ, vāto tūlaṁ va dhaṁsaye. [271]


−−⏑−¦−,−−−¦¦−−⏑−¦⏑−⏑− mavipulā
Eko va macco ChS: Macco eko va. acceti, eko va jāyate kule,

Saṁyogaparamā tveva sambhogā sabbapāṇinaṁ. [272]


Tasmā hi dhīrassa bahussutassa,

Sampassato lokam-imaṁ parañ-ca,

Aññāya Dhammaṁ hadayaṁ manañ-ca,

Sokā mahantā pi na tāpayanti. [273]