Buddhanīti Saṅgaho

17: Dhanavaggo

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Jā 322 Daddabhajātakaṁ

Beluvaṁ Thai: Veluvaṁ; showing the l/ḷ alternation found in the texts. patitaṁ sutvā daddabhan-ti ChS, Thai: duddubhan-ti; I do not find this form given in the Dictionaries. saso javi,

Sasassa Text: Sakassa. vacanaṁ sutvā santattā migavāhinī. [318]


Appatvā padaviññāṇaṁ, paraghosānusārino,

Panādaparamā Thai: Pamāda-. bālā te honti parapattiyā. [319]


Ye ca sīlena sampannā, paññāyūpasame BJT: -upasame. ratā,

Ārakā viratā dhīrā, na honti parapattiyā. [320]


Jā 204 Vīrakajātakaṁ

⏑⏑⏑⏑⏑⏑¦−⏑−⏑− Vetālīya
Udakathalacarassa pakkhino,

Niccaṁ āmakamacchabhojino:

Tassānukaraṁ Saviṭṭhako

Sevāle paḷiguṇṭhito Thai: Sevāle hi pali-; hi is intrusive and spoils the opening; with paḷi; showing the l/ḷ alternation in the texts. mato. [321]


Jā 335 Jambukajātakaṁ

Asīho sīhamānena, yo attānaṁ vikubbati,

Koṭṭhū va Text: Koṭṭhu va; BJT: Kuṭṭhūva; Thai: Kutthu va; but the word appears to be koṭṭhu or kotthu. gajam-āsajja, seti bhūmyā anutthunaṁ. [322]


Yasassino uttamapuggalassa,

Sañjātakhandhassa mahabbalassa,

Asamekkhiyā Text, Thai: Asamekkhiya, the long vowel is needed at the end of the word to give the regular opening. thāmabalūpapattiṁ, Thai: kāma-?

⏑−⏑−¦−⏑,⏑¦−⏑−⏑− Jagatī
Sa seti nāgena hato va ChS, Thai: hatoyaṁ; we would appear to need a comparison word here. jambuko. [323]


Yo cīdha kammaṁ kurute pamāya,

Thāmabbalaṁ Text, BJT, Thai: Thāmabalaṁ; -bb- is m.c., not gemination. attani saṁviditvā,

Jappena mantena subhāsitena,

Parikkhavā so vipulaṁ jināti. [324]


Jā 345 Gajakumbhajātakaṁ

−−⏑−¦−⏑⏑−¦¦⏑⏑−−¦⏑−⏑− bhavipulā
Yo dandhakāle tarati, taraṇīye ca dandhati,

Sukkhapaṇṇaṁ va akkamma, atthaṁ bhañjati attano. [325]


−−⏑−¦−,−−−¦¦⏑⏑−−¦⏑−⏑− mavipulā
Yo dandhakāle dandheti, taraṇīye ca tārayi,

⏑−⏑−¦−⏑⏑−¦¦−−−⏑¦⏑−⏑− bhavipulā
Sasīva rattiṁ vibhajaṁ, tassattho paripūrati. [326]


Jā 183 Vālodakajātakaṁ BJT: Vāḷodaka-; similarly in the verse; showing the l/ḷ variation in the texts.

Vālodakaṁ Text: Vāḷodakaṁ here, but Vālodaka- in the title; showing the l/ḷ alternation in the texts. apparasaṁ nihīnaṁ,

Pitvā mado jāyati gadrabhānaṁ.

Imañ-ca pitvāna rasaṁ paṇītaṁ

Mado na sañjāyati sindhavānaṁ. [327]


Appaṁ pivitvāna nihīnajacco

So majjatī Text, BJT: Majjati, which spoils the opening, similarly below. tena Janinda puṭṭho.

Dhorayhasīlo Text, ChS, Thai: Dhorayhasīliī; but that would mean one who has the character of bearing. ca, Text, ChS, Thai: va. kulamhi jāto,

Na majjatī aggarasaṁ pivitvā. [328]


Jā 291 Bhadraghaṭajātakaṁ Text: -gaṭa-. Called Surāghaṭajātaka; in ChS.

Sabbakāmadadaṁ kumbhaṁ, kuṭaṁ Text, Thai: kūṭaṁ? Maybe transcription mistake, but same below. laddhāna' dhuttako, Text: dhūttako, which I take it is a printer’s error, below written dhuttako.

Yāva so ChS, Thai: naṁ; different pronoun, but same meaning. anupāleti, tāva so sukham-edhati. [329]


Yadā matto ca ditto ca pamādā kumbham-abbhidā,

Tadā BJT: Tato. naggo ca pottho ca, pacchā bālo vihaññati. [330]


−⏑−⏑−¦⏑−−−¦¦⏑−−⏑¦⏑−⏑− 9 syllables
Evam-eva yo Thai omits: yo; probably a scribal correction to avoid 9 syllables in the line (I am inclined to read ĕvam-, and allow resolution of the first two syllables), we could possibly translate: Thus having received wealth, he partakes... dhanaṁ laddhā, amattā ChS, Thai: pamatto. paribhuñjati,

Pacchā tappati BJT, Thai: tapati; which doesn't give good sense. dummedho, kuṭaṁ bhinno ChS: bhitvā; absolutive, which doesn't fit very well here. va dhuttako. [331]


Jā 48 Vedabbhajātakaṁ

Anupāyena yo atthaṁ icchati so vihaññati,

Cetā haniṁsu Vedabbhaṁ, Thai: Vedabbaṁ. sabbe te The posterior line is 9 syllables, it could be corrected by excluding te, without hurting the meaning. vyasanam-ajjhagū. Thai: ajjhaguṁ; another form of the aorist. [332]


Jā 39 Nandajātakaṁ

Maññe sovaṇṇayo rāsi, soṇṇamālā Text, BJT: sovaṇṇamālā; giving a 9-syllable line. Soṇṇa has the same meaning. ca Nandako

−⏑−−¦−⏑−−¦¦⏑−−−¦⏑−⏑− ravipulā
Yattha dāso āmajāto ṭhito thullāni gajjati! [333]


SN 1.3.19 Paṭhama-aputtakasuttaṁ

⏑⏑−−−¦−,⏑⏑¦−⏑−− Vedic opening
Amanussaṭṭhāne udakaṁ va sītaṁ Thai: vasitaṁ?

Tad-apeyyamānaṁ parisosameti, No help from the commentary here, but this must = parisoseti, perhaps with the extra syllable m.c. The word doesn't occur anywhere else. Thai: puriso sameti?

Evaṁ dhanaṁ kāpuriso labhitvā

Nevattanā bhuñjati Thai: paribhuñjati; which would be hypermetric by 2 syllables. no dadāti. [334]


Dhīro ca viññū adhigamma bhoge,

Yo bhuñjatī Text, ChS: So bhuñjati; BJT: yo bhuñjati; but the long vowel is needed m.c. to give the correct opening; Thai: So paribhuñjati; very much against the metre. kiccakaro ca hoti,

So ñātisaṅghaṁ nisabho bharitvā,

Anindito Saggam-upeti ṭhānaṁ. [335]


Jā 390 Mayhakajātakaṁ

Sakuṇo Mayhako nāma, girisānudarīcaro,

Pakkaṁ pipphalim-āruyha, Mayhaṁ mayhan!-ti Text: Mayha-mayhā; same below. kandati. [336]


Tassevaṁ vilapantassa dijasaṅghā samāgatā,

Bhutvāna pipphaliṁ yanti, vilapatveva so dijo. [337]


Evam-eva idhekacco, saṅgharitvā bahuṁ dhanaṁ,

Nevattano na ñātīnaṁ yathodhiṁ The text is obscure here, and what the second part of the compound is in yathodhiṁ I cannot see. Comm: yo yo koṭṭhāso dātabbo, taṁ taṁ na deti. paṭipajjati. [338]


Na so acchādanaṁ bhattaṁ na mālaṁ na vilepanaṁ

Anubhoti Thai: Nānubhoti; it would give the same meaning. In the text the negative sense is carried over from the previous line. sakiṁ kiñci, na saṅgaṇhāti ñātake. [339]


Tassevaṁ vilapantassa, Mayhaṁ mayhan!-ti rakkhato,

Rājāno atha vā corā, dāyādā ye ca ChS: va. appiyā,

Dhanam-ādāya gacchanti, vilapatveva BJT: vilapitveva; the form is uncertain as it is rare, and both forms are found; Thai: vilapateva. so naro. [340]


−−−−¦⏑⏑−−¦¦−−−⏑¦⏑−⏑− savipulā
Dhīro Text, BJT add: ca; we would then need to understand resolution at the 6th syllable. bhoge adhigamma, saṅgaṇhāti ca ñātake,

−⏑−−¦−,−−−¦¦−⏑−−¦⏑−⏑− mavipulā
Tena so kittiṁ pappoti, pecca Sagge pamodati. Text, BJT: ca modati; it gives the same meaning. [341]


AN 7.5 Saṅkhittadhanasuttaṁ

−−⏑−¦−⏑⏑−¦¦⏑⏑−−¦⏑−⏑− bhavipulā
Saddhādhanaṁ sīladhanaṁ, hiri ChS, Thai: hirī; I see no reason for a long vowel here. -ottappiyaṁ dhanaṁ,

Sutadhanañ-ca cāgo ca paññā: 'me ChS, Thai: ve. sattamaṁ dhanaṁ. [342]


Yassa ete Thai: etā? dhanā atthi, itthiyā purisassa vā,

Adaḷiddo Text, ChS: Adaliddo; showing the l/ḷ alternation in the texts. ti taṁ āhu, amoghaṁ tassa jīvitaṁ. [343]