Buddhanīti Saṅgaho

19: Bhāsanavaggo

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Jā 98 Kūṭavāṇijajātakaṁ Text: -vānija-, but elsewhere it is spelt with the retroflex --.

Sādhu kho Text: Sādhuko. Paṇḍito nāma, na tveva Atipaṇḍito,

Atipaṇḍitena puttena, manamhi upakūḷito. Text, BJT: upakūlito; the reading is not sure, but according to PED the verb in Sanskrit is √kūḍ; Thai: upakuṭṭhito; I do not find this word listed, but perhaps it would mean: [I am well-nigh] boiled; taking it from kuṭṭhita. [358]


Jā 331 Kokālikajātakaṁ

Yo ve kāle asampatte, ativelaṁ pabhāsati,

Evaṁ so nihato seti, kokilāyi va Thai: kokilāyeva; different sandhi. atrajo. [359]


⏑⏑−−¦⏑⏑⏑−¦¦⏑−⏑−¦⏑−⏑− navipulā
Na hi satthaṁ sunisitaṁ, visaṁ halāhalām-iva, Thai: halāhalam-m-iva; I don't understand this form, a similar one occurs below in the variants for uragaṁ iva; I believe the correct reading here should be: halāhalaṁ iva.

−−⏑−¦−,−−−¦¦−−−−¦⏑−⏑− mavipulā
Evaṁ nikaṭṭhe Thai: nikaḍhe; this may be a variant spelling. pāteti vācā dubbhāsitā yathā. [360]


Tasmā kāle akāle vā Thai: ca. vācaṁ rakkheyya Paṇḍito,

Nātivelaṁ pabhāseyya, api attasamamhi vā. [361]


Yo ca kāle mitaṁ bhāse matipubbo Vicakkhaṇo,

−−⏑−¦−⏑⏑−¦¦⏑−−⏑¦⏑−⏑− bhavipulā
Sabbe amitte tarati, BJT, ChS, Thai: ādeti. Supaṇṇo uragaṁ iva. Text, Thai: uragam-m-iva. [362]


SN 1.6.9 Tudubrahmasuttaṁ

Purisassa hi jātassa, kuṭhārī BJT: kuṭhāri; Thai: kudhārī. jāyate mukhe,

Yāya chindati attānaṁ bālo, dubbhāsitaṁ bhaṇaṁ. [363]


−−−¦−⏑−⏑− Vetālīya (throughout)
Yo nindīyaṁ Text, ChS, Thai: nindiyaṁ, but the long vowel is needed in the opening. pasaṁsati,

Taṁ vā nindati yo pasaṁsiyo,

Vicināti mukhena so kaliṁ,

Kalinā tena sukhaṁ na vindati. [364]


SN 1.8.5 Subhāsitasuttaṁ

Subhāsitaṁ uttamam-āhu santo,

−−⏑−,¦−−−¦−⏑⏑− irregular
Dhammaṁ bhaṇe nādhammaṁ - taṁ dutiyaṁ, The cadence is wrong here, we could read dutīyaṁ to correct the metre, and tatīyaṁ in the next line.

⏑−⏑−,¦−⏑−¦−⏑⏑− irregular
Piyaṁ bhaṇe nāppiyaṁ - taṁ tatiyaṁ,

Saccaṁ bhaṇe nālikaṁ - taṁ catutthaṁ. [365]


⏑−⏑−¦−,−−−¦¦−−−−¦⏑−⏑− mavipulā
Tam-eva vācaṁ bhāseyya yāyattānaṁ na tāpaye,

Pare ca na vihiṁseyya - sā ve vācā subhāsitā. [366]


Jā 88 Sārambhajātakaṁ

Kalyāṇim-eva muñceyya, na hi muñceyya pāpikaṁ,

Mokkho kalyāṇiyā sādhu, mutvā tappati Text, BJT: tapati; but this gives the wrong meaning: [but after speaking wickedly] he shines? Evidently even if we write tapati, we must interpret it as tappati. pāpikaṁ. [367]


Jā 537 Mahāsutasomajātakaṁ

Ye kecime atthi rasā Pathavyā,

−−−−,¦−⏑⏑¦−⏑−− Vedic opening
Saccaṁ tesaṁ sādhutaraṁ rasānaṁ,

Sacce ṭhitā samaṇabrāhmaṇā ca,

Taranti jātimaraṇassa pāraṁ. [368]


SN 1.8.5 Subhāsitasuttaṁ

Saccaṁ ve amatā vācā, esa Dhammo sanantano,

Sacce atthe ca Dhamme ca, āhu santo patiṭṭhitā. [369]


Jā 320 Succajajātakaṁ Text: Suvajja-.

−⏑−−¦−⏑⏑−¦¦−⏑−−¦⏑−⏑− bhavipulā
Yaṁ hi kayirā taṁ hi vade, yaṁ na kayirā na taṁ vade,

⏑⏑−−¦−⏑−−¦¦⏑⏑−−¦⏑−⏑− ravipulā
Akarontaṁ bhāsamānaṁ parijānanti Paṇḍitā. [370]


Jā 499 Sivijātakaṁ

Yo ve Dassan-ti vatvāna, adāne kurute mano,

Bhūmyā ChS, Thai: Bhūmyaṁ. so patitaṁ pāsaṁ gīvāyaṁ paṭimuñcati. [371]


Yo ve Dassan-ti vatvāna, adāne kurute mano,

Pāpā pāpataro hoti, sampatto Yamasādhanaṁ. [372]


Jā 422 Cetiyajātakaṁ

Aḷikaṁ bhāsamānassa apakkamanti devatā,

Pūtikañ-ca mukhaṁ vā ti, sakaṭṭhānā ca dhaṁsati,

Yo jānaṁ pucchito pañhaṁ aññathā naṁ viyākare. [373]


⏑−−−¦⏑⏑−−¦¦−−−⏑¦⏑−⏑− savipulā
Akāle vassati ChS, Thai: vassatī; to produce the pathyā cadence, but savipulā is acceptable. tassa, kāle tassa na vassati,

Yo jānaṁ pucchito pañhaṁ aññathā naṁ viyākare. [374]


Jivhā tassa dvidhā hoti, uragasseva = uragassa + iva. Disampati,

Yo jānaṁ pucchito pañhaṁ, aññathā naṁ viyākare. [375]


−−−⏑¦⏑⏑⏑−¦¦−−−⏑¦⏑−⏑− navipulā
Jivhā tassa na bhavati, macchasseva Disampati,

Yo jānaṁ pucchito pañhaṁ, aññathā naṁ viyākare. [376]


Thiyo na All texts: va; I believe this is the correct reading, but it gives an unacceptable meaning, so I have changed it to the negative, which correlates exactly with what is said below anyway: To him there will be no children. tassa jāyanti, na pumā jāyare kule,

Yo jānaṁ pucchito pañhaṁ, aññathā naṁ viyākare. [377]


−−−⏑¦⏑⏑−−¦¦−⏑−⏑¦⏑−⏑− savipulā
Puttā tassa na bhavanti, pakkamanti disodisaṁ,

Yo jānaṁ pucchito pañhaṁ, aññathā naṁ viyākare. [378]


Dhp 176 Ciñcamāṇavikāvatthu

Ekaṁ dhammaṁ atītassa, musāvādissa jantuno,

Vitiṇṇaparalokassa, natthi pāpaṁ akāriyaṁ. [379]