Buddhanīti Saṅgaho

21: Kāmavaggo

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Jā 136 Suvaṇṇahaṁsajātakaṁ

Yaṁ laddhaṁ tena tuṭṭhabbaṁ, atilobho hi pāpako,

Haṁsarājaṁ gahetvāna, suvaṇṇā parihāyatha. Thai: parihāyati. [401]


Jā 228 Kāmanītajātakaṁ

Kaṇhāhi daṭṭhassa Text: Taṅhāhidaṭṭhassa, BJT as above. Flora & Fauna: Kaṇhasappa, sometimes Kālasappa, meaning black snake both terms are more descriptions than actual names and refer to the king cobra ophiophagus hannah. karonti heke,

⏑⏑−⏑−¦−⏑,⏑¦−⏑−⏑− Jagatī
Amanussavaddhassa ChS: -paviṭṭhassa; same meaning, but the opening is ruined; Thai: -viṭṭhassa. karonti Paṇḍitā.

Na kāmanītassa karoti koci,

Okkantasukkassa hi kā tikicchā? [402]


Dhp 216 Aññatarabrāhmaṇavatthu

Taṇhāya jāyatī soko, taṇhāya jāyatī Text: jāyati, in both lines, but metrically the long -ī (or: jāyate) is needed in the posterior, and is preferable is the prior line. bhayaṁ,

Taṇhāya vippamuttassa natthi soko, kuto bhayaṁ? [403]


Jā 467 Kāmajātakaṁ

Kāmaṁ kāmayamānassa tassa ce taṁ samijjhati

Addhā pītimano hoti, laddhā macco yad-icchati. This verse is the same as the first verse of Kāmasutta in Suttanipāta (4.1). As the text refers to eight verses and there are now nine, it was quite possibly added later owing to the coincidence of the first line with the following verse. [404]


Kāmaṁ kāmayamānassa tassa ce taṁ samijjhati,

Tato naṁ aparaṁ kāme, ghamme ChS: dhamme? [just as thirst is found] is things? or in the Dhamma? taṇhaṁ va vindati. [405]


Gavaṁ va siṅgino siṅgaṁ vaḍḍhamānassa vaḍḍhati,

Evaṁ mandassa posassa bālassa avijānato

Bhiyyo taṇhā pipāsā ca vaḍḍhamānassa vaḍḍhati. [406]


⏑−−−¦⏑⏑⏑−¦¦⏑−−−¦⏑−⏑− navipulā
Pathavyā sāliyavakaṁ, gavassaṁ BJT, Thai: gavāssaṁ; against the 2-morae rule. dāsaporisaṁ,

Datvā pi ChS: ca. nālam-ekassa, iti vidvā, Thai: viddhā? samaṁ care. [407]


Rājā pasayha pathaviṁ vijitvā

Sasāgarantaṁ mahim-āvasanto,

Oraṁ samuddassa atittarūpo,

Pāraṁ samuddassa pi patthaye 'tha. Thai: patthaye va. [408]


Yāva anussaraṁ kāme manasā, titti nājjhagā,

Tato nivattā paṭikamma disvā,

−−−−¦−,−¦−⏑−− Two light syllables have been replaced at the 6th by one heavy one.
Te ve tittā ChS: sutittā; no doubt this is an attempt to repair the metre, but we still have a long 6th syllable, so it doesn't quite do the job intended. ye paññāya tittā. [409]


Paññāya tittinaṁ Thai: tittīnaṁ; which doesn't give a recognisable variation. seṭṭhaṁ, na so kāmehi tappati,

−−⏑−¦−⏑⏑−¦¦−−⏑⏑¦⏑−⏑− bhavipulā
Paññāya tittaṁ purisaṁ, taṇhā na kurute vasaṁ. [410]


Apacinetheva kāmāni Text, ChS: kāmānaṁ. appicchassa, alolupo,

⏑−⏑−¦−⏑⏑−¦¦⏑−−−¦⏑−⏑− bhavipulā
Samuddamatto puriso, na so kāmehi tappati. [411]


Rathakāro va cammassa parikantaṁ upāhanaṁ,

Yaṁ yaṁ cajati Thai: jahati; different verb, but same meaning. kāmānaṁ taṁ taṁ sampajjate sukhaṁ.

Sabbañ-ce BJT: Sabbeñ-ce; printer’s error. sukham-iccheyya, sabbe kāme Text: sabbakāme; same meaning. pariccaje. [412]


Jā 14 Vātamigajātakaṁ

⏑⏑−⏑⏑¦−⏑−⏑− Vetālīya (throughout)
Na kiratthi Text: kiratthī, against the metre. rasehi pāpiyo,

Āvāsehi va BJT: Āvasehi va; Text, Thai: , against the metre; va is for m.c. santhavehi vā.

Vātamigaṁ gehanissitaṁ, ChS, Thai: gahana-; same meaning, but against the metre.

Vasam-ānesi rasehi Sañjayo. [413]


Jā 346 Kesavajātakaṁ

Sāduṁ vā yadi vāsāduṁ, BJT: Asāduṁ yadi vā sāduṁ; same meaning; Thai: sādhuṁ vā yadi vāsādhuṁ. appaṁ vā yadi vā bahuṁ,

Vissattho yattha bhuñjeyya, vissāsaparamā rasā. [414]


SN 1.3.13 Doṇapākasuttaṁ

⏑⏑−⏑⏑¦−⏑−⏑− Vetālīya (throughout)
Manujassa sadā satīmato, Text, Thai: satimato, against the metre; -ī- is m.c.

Mattaṁ Text: Vattaṁ, but translation indicates mattaṁ. jānatŏ The last syllable must be read as light to meet the needs of the metre. laddhabhojane,

Tanukassa Text, BJT: Tanu tassa. bhavanti vedanā,

Saṇikaṁ jīrati, āyupālayaṁ. Text: āyuṁ pālayaṁ, spoiling the cadence. [415]


SN 1.1.10 Araññasuttaṁ

“Araññe viharantānaṁ, santānaṁ brahmacārinaṁ,

Ekabhattaṁ Counting the first vowel as light to allow for resolution. bhuñjamānānaṁ, kena vaṇṇo pasīdatī?” ti [416]


“Atītaṁ nānusocanti, nappajappanti 'nāgataṁ,

Paccuppannena yāpenti, tena vaṇṇo pasīdati. [417]


Anāgatappajappāya, atītassānusocanā,

−−⏑−¦−,−−−¦¦⏑−⏑⏑¦⏑−⏑− mavipulā
Etena bālā sussanti, naḷo va harito luto.” ti [418]