14. The Chronicle of Buddha Atthadassī

After Buddha Piyadassī had attained Parinibbāna, in that aeon Which should be called Maṇḍa-kappa because it was full of pleasing, spotless, special attributes though it was actually a Vara-kappa as three Buddhas appeared during that period. the lifespan of human beings decreased gradually from 90,000 years to ten years, and then it again increased to immeasurables. When the lifespan reached 100,000 years on its next decrease, Bodhisatta Atthadassī was reborn in Tusita on complete fulfilment of the perfections which was a practice common to all Bodhisattas. Having agreed to the entreaties of Devas and Brahmas to become a Buddha, he descended to the human world to be conceived in the womb of Queen Sudassanā, consort of King Sāgara, in the city of Sobhana. Ten months thereafter the Bodhisatta was born in Sucindhana Park. On his naming day, he was named Atthadassī because owners of treasures, which were hidden underground, recovered them, after having discovered the forgotten sites where their treasures had long been kept, one generation after another.

Early Life

When Bodhisatta Atthadassī came of age, he lived in three palaces: Amaragiri, Sugiri and Girivāhana. Being entertained and served by 33,000 female attendants, headed by Princess Visākhā, he thus enjoyed a divine-like royal household life for 10,000 years.

When the Bodhisatta had seen the four omens and when Queen Visākhā had given birth to a son, named Sela, he went forth riding a horse, named Sudassana. 90 million men joined him and became recluses themselves.


With these 90 million recluses, Bodhisatta Atthadassī practised the austerities for eight months. On the full-moon day of May (Vesākha), the day of his Awakening, people brought delicious milk rice to offer it to the female Nāga, Sucindharā by name. But she did not eat it. Having revealed herself to the people, she instead offered it in a golden bowl to the Bodhisatta. The Bodhisatta partook of it, and spent the daytime in the local grove of Sāla trees. In the evening, he proceeded alone to the Mahā Bodhi tree. On the way, he accepted eight handfuls of grass offered by the Nāga King, Mahā Ruci. As soon as he spread the grass at the foot of the Campak Bodhi tree, there appeared the unconquered seat, measuring 53 cubits. Sitting cross-legged on this seat, he mustered his energy at four levels, dispelled Māra’s forces and attained omniscience, Perfectly Self-Awakened Buddhahood and the state of Lord of the Three Worlds.

Three Occasions of the Buddha’s Teaching

1. After becoming a Buddha, the Buddha stayed in the neighbourhood of the Mahā Bodhi tree for 49 days. Accepting a Brahma’s request for his teaching, he contemplated who he should teach first. Then he saw the 90 million monks who had followed him in renunciation and who were endowed with past meritorious [166] deeds, which could lead to the paths and fruitions. And surveying their whereabouts, he saw them staying in Anoma Park, near the city of Anoma. He then, by his psychic power, immediately appeared in Anoma Park.

At that time, the 90 million monks saw, from a distance, Buddha Atthadassī approaching them. With faithful heart, they all performed their duties, as has been described in the previous chapters. They took their seats around the Buddha, who then taught the Dhamma Wheel (Dhamma-cakka) discourse, which was also taught by other Buddhas. By the end of the discourse, 1,000 billion beings attained the paths and fruitions.

2. At another time, Buddha Atthadassī travelled up to Tāvatiṁsa and taught the Abhidhamma to Devas and Brahmas. 100,000 Devas and Brahmas attained the paths and fruitions.

3. Still at another time, like our Buddha Gotama, who visited his father in the city of Kapilavatthu and narrated the Chronicles of the Buddhas (Buddha-vaṁsa), so did Buddha Atthadassī visit the city of Sobhana and taught the Dhamma to his relatives, headed by his father. At the time, 1,000 billion people attained the paths and fruitions.

Three Occasions of the Disciples’ Meeting

1. There were three meetings of the Buddha’s disciples. The first one took place at Sucandaka, where Prince Santa and the Brahmin chaplain’s son, Upasanta who were his future chief disciples, seeing no essence in the three Vedas as well as in various creeds, assigned four intelligent men and some brave watchmen at the four gates of the four sides of the city with an instruction: “Come and inform us if you see or hear of any Awakened person, be he a recluse or a Brahmin.”

When Buddha Atthadassī, lord of the three kinds of men, with his disciples, arrived at Sucandaka city, those on assignment went to the prince and the Brahmin chaplain’s son and informed them of the Buddha’s arrival. Being thus informed, with joyous hearts, they both hurriedly went outside the city with a retinue of 1,000 members and greeted, honoured and invited him into the city. Having done so, they performed a great incomparable alms giving (asadisa-mahā-dāna) for seven days to the Saṅgha with the Buddha at its head. On the seventh day, with all the citizens, they both listened to the Buddha’s teaching. On that day, 98,000 people, on it being pronounced: “Come, O monks,” became summoned monastics and became Arahats. In the midst of that assembly of monks, the Buddha recited the Advisory Rules (Ovāda-Pātimokkha).

2. At another time, when Buddha Atthadassī gave instructions to his own son, Ven. Sela, 88,000 people developed faith and asked the Buddha to become monks. The Buddha then pronounced: “Come, O monks,” and they all became summoned monastics and Arahats. In the midst of that assembly of monks, the Buddha recited the Advisory Rules.

3. Still at another time, on the full-moon day of February (Māgha), when beings, such as humans, Devas and Brahmas, assembled to listen to the Great Discourse on the Blessings (Mahā-maṅgala), taught by the Buddha, 78,000 humans became Arahats. In that assembly of monks, the Buddha recited the Advisory Rules. [167]

The Bodhisatta as Recluse Susīma

At that time our Bodhisatta was reborn as Susīma, in the city of Campaka. He was a wealthy Brahmin, considered and recognized by the whole world as a virtuous person. Having given away all his wealth to the poor, the helpless, the destitute, travellers and others, he went to the Himālayas and lived the life of an ascetic. After achieving the eight attainments and the five super knowledges, he became a noble ascetic with supernormal power. Teaching people the merit of wholesome deeds and the demerit of unwholesome deeds, he waited for the time when a Buddha would appear.

Later on, when Buddha Atthadassī appeared in the world and “showered the rain of discourses of immortality” in the midst of an audience, which was composed of the eight assemblies of people, Susīma the ascetic listened to the Buddha’s Dhamma. And he went up to the celestial abode, brought back such celestial flowers as the Mandārava, Paduma, Pāricchattaka, etc., from Tāvatiṁsa. Wishing to display his miraculous power, he made himself visible and caused a rain of flowers to fall in the four quarters, like a great rain that fell all over the four continents. He also created a pavilion of flowers decorated on all sides with flowers, had a pinnacled arch over the entrance with decorated columns and nets, etc., and adorned with flowers. He then honoured the Buddha with a huge umbrella of celestial Mandārava flowers. Buddha Atthadassī then made a prophecy concerning Susīma the ascetic: “This ascetic Susīma will definitely become a Buddha, Gotama by name, in the future when 1,800 aeons have elapsed.”

On hearing Buddha Atthadassī’s prophecy, the Bodhisatta was extremely happy and firmly resolved to fulfil the ten perfections even more energetically, fearing that he would become heedless.

Particulars of Buddha Atthadassī

Buddha Atthadassī’s birthplace was Sobhana city.

His father was King Sāgara and his mother was Queen Sudassanā.

He reigned for 10,000 years.

His three palaces were Amaragiri, Sugiri and Girivāhana.

His chief consort was Visākhā, who had 33,000 maids of honour.

His son was Prince Sela.

The vehicle he used in renunciation was a steed, Sudassana by name.

He practised the austerities for eight months.

His two male chief disciples were Ven. Santa and Ven. Upasanta.

His attendant was Ven. Abhaya.

His two female chief disciples were Ven. Dhammā and Ven. Sudhammā.

His Bodhi tree was a Campak.

His male noble supporters were the wealthy persons, Nakula and Nisabha.

His female supporters were Makilā and Sunandā.

The height of Buddha Atthadassī, who had as his equals only peerless Buddhas, was 80 cubits tall and he was majestic like a Sāla tree in full bloom or like the full moon, king of all the stars and planets.

Buddha Atthadassī’s radiance of intense power emitting from his body, constantly radiated, glowing above and below in the ten quarters for a league. Should the Buddha have wished and resolved the radiance could diffuse all over several tens of millions of world-elements.

Excelling all beings, Buddha Atthadassī was endowed with five eyes and existed in the world for 80,000 years.

After shedding the peerless light of Dhamma in the world of Devas and humans, Buddha [168] Atthadassī attained Parinibbāna just like a fire becomes extinct on exhaustion of fuel.

In this way, Buddha Atthadassī, conqueror of the five kinds of death (māra), attained Parinibbāna in Anoma Park. His relics were dispersed according to his resolve and reached all over Jambudīpa and received veneration from beings such as humans, Devas and Brahmas.