17. The Chronicle of Buddha Tissa
When the aeon in which Buddha Siddhattha appeared had come to an end, there immediately followed a void or empty aeon (suñña-kappa), in which no Buddha appeared. When that aeon was over, and in the 92nd aeon previous to the present, two Buddhas, namely, Tissa and Phussa, appeared, in a two-Buddha aeon (maṇḍa-kappa).
The chronicle of Buddha Tissa was as follows: In that aeon, human lifespan declined from immeasurables to 100,000 years. The Bodhisatta Tissa was then reborn in Tusita, on complete fulfilment of the perfections. Having complied with the request made by Devas and Brahmas to become a Buddha, he descended to the human world to be conceived in the womb of Queen Padumā, chief consort of King Janasandha, in the city of Khemaka. When ten months had elapsed, the Bodhisatta was born in Anoma Park. On his naming day, learned readers of omens and his relatives named the Bodhisatta, Prince Tissa.
There are two kinds of name: according to the sense, or meaning (anvattha) and according to custom, or tradition (rūḷhi). The name given after a particular event or in a particular meaning is according to the sense (anvattha). The name given not after a particular event or in a particular meaning but given for convenience sake is according to custom (rūḷhi). Here the name Tissa given to the Bodhisatta is of the convenience (rūḷhi) kind.
Early Life
When the Bodhisatta, Prince Tissa, came of age, he lived in three palaces: Gūhasela, Nārisaya and Nisabha. Being entertained and served by 30,000 female attendants headed by Princess Subhaddā, he thus lived a divine-like royal household life for 7,000 years.
When the Bodhisatta had seen the four omens and when Princess Subhaddā had given birth to a son, named Ānanda, he went forth riding a thoroughbred horse, named Soṇuttara, and became a recluse. 10 million men were inspired by his renunciation and joined him, to become recluses themselves too.
With this 10 million of recluses, Bodhisatta Tissa practised the austerities for eight months. On the full moon day of May (Vesākha), the day of his Awakening, he partook of the milk rice offered by Vīrā, the daughter of a wealthy person of Vīra market-town, and spent the daytime in the local Salala grove. In the evening, he went alone to the Mahā Bodhi tree. On the way, he accepted eight handfuls of grass offered by Vijitasaṅgāmaka, a watchman of the barley fields. As soon as he spread the grass at the foot of the Indian Laurel (Asana) Mahā Bodhi tree, there appeared the unconquered seat, which measured 40 cubits. Sitting cross-legged on the seat, he became a Buddha in the same manner as previous Buddhas.
Three Occasions of the Buddha’s Teaching
1. After becoming a Buddha, Buddha Tissa stayed in the neighbourhood of the Mahā Bodhi tree for 49 days. Having complied with a Brahma’s request for his teaching, he contemplated to whom he should teach first and he saw his future chief disciples, princes Brahmadeva and Udaya, who were residents of Yasavatī, and who, together with their retinues, were endowed with previous meritorious deeds, which led to the paths and fruitions. By his psychic power he immediately appeared in the Deer Park near Yasavatī. He then sent the gardener for the two princes. On arrival with their retinues, Buddha Tissa then taught the Dhamma Wheel (Dhamma-cakka) discourse to Devas and humans, who had followed the two princes and their men to listen to the teaching. The Buddha did so, proclaiming all over the 10,000 world-element in a voice similar to that of the King of Brahmas which was distinct, far-reaching and sweet. Then 100,000 beings, such as humans, Devas and Brahmas, attained the paths and fruitions.
2. At another time, when 10 million recluses, who had been his companions in renunciation, and who had parted with him as he was moving to the Mahā Bodhi tree, on hearing that he had taught the Dhamma Wheel (Dhamma-cakka) discourse, travelled to the Deer Park near Yasavatī. On arriving there, they paid homage to the Buddha and took their seats around him. When the Buddha taught the Dhamma to these monks and all others who had come to listen to him, 900 million beings headed by 10 million monks attained the paths and fruitions.
3. Still at another time, when Devas and humans discussed what constituted the blessings (maṅgala) leading to prosperity in the world, but could not get an answer acceptable to all, and when they put forward the same question to the Buddha, he taught them the Discourse on the Blessings. By the end of this discourse, 600 million Brahmas and humans attained the paths and fruitions.
Three Occasions of the Disciples’ Meeting
1. There were three meetings of Buddha Tissa’s disciples. The first took place at Yasavatī, where the Buddha, being accompanied by 100,000 Arahats who were monastics at the beginning of the Rains Retreat (Vassa) and became Arahats during the same Rains Retreat. He then performed the Invitation of the Pure (Visuddhi-pavāraṇā) on the full-moon day of October (Assayuja).
2. At another time, when the Buddha was going on a journey and arrived at the city of Nārivāhana, Prince Nārivāhana, son of King Sujāta of that city, with his hosts of followers, welcomed the Buddha and invited him and his Saṅgha to the ceremony of an unparalleled alms giving which was held for seven days. Having relinquished his princely right over the kingdom to his son, he sought monkhood together with his followers in the presence of the Buddha. Buddha Tissa then called upon them, saying: “Come, O monks,” and they all became summoned monastics. When the news of Nārivāhana’s renunciation spread, people from all quarters came and followed his example. Then, in the midst of the monastics, numbering nine
3. Still at another time, in the city of Khemavatī or Khemaka, at the assembly of the Buddha Tissa’s relatives, after listening to his narration of the Chronicles of the Buddhas (Buddha-vaṁsa), eight million people became monastics in his presence and became Arahats. Surrounded by these monastics, Buddha Tissa recited the Advisory Rules.
The Bodhisatta as Recluse Sujāta
Meanwhile our Bodhisatta was King Sujāta in the city of Yasavatī. He had a prosperous city, his wealth was worth many millions and he had members of a retinue, who were always willing to attend upon him. He abandoned them all with no attachment whatsoever, as though they were blades of grass and stalks of reeds. With his heart filled with the fear of suffering in rebirth, etc., he renounced the world and became an ascetic even before Buddha Tissa’s appearance, and acquired great psychic power and fame. On hearing that Buddha Tissa has appeared, his whole body was pervaded with the five kinds of ecstasy. Most respectfully, he approached the Buddha and paid respects to him, thinking: “I will honour the Buddha with such flowers as from the Salala, Pāricchattaka trees and others,” he went to the celestial abode by means of his psychic power and entered the garden of Cittalatā. There he filled a basket, measuring a mile, with such celestial flowers and brought it across the sky and finally honoured the Buddha with these immensely fragrant flowers.
Besides, in the middle of the four assemblies, the Bodhisatta stood, holding over the Buddha’s head a lotus (paduma) sunshade, which was an umbrella made of very sweet smelling pollens, with a rod of ruby, and a pinnacle of leaves of red ruby. In this way, he thus honoured the Buddha. Then the Buddha predicted concerning the Bodhisatta, Sujāta the ascetic: “In the 92nd aeon from the present one, this Sujāta will become a Buddha, Gotama by name.”
On hearing the Buddha’s prophecy, Bodhisatta Sujāta the ascetic, was filled with devotional faith and resolved to fulfil the ten perfections even more energetically.
Particulars of Buddha Tissa
Buddha Tissa’s birthplace was Khemaka city.
His father was King Janasandha and his mother was Queen Padumā.
He reigned for 7,000 years.
His three palaces were Gūhasela, Nārisaya and Nisabha.
His chief consort was Subhaddā, who had 30,000 maids of honour.
His son was Prince Ānanda.
After seeing the four omens, he renounced the world riding a thoroughbred horse named Soṇuttara.
He practised the austerities for eight months.
His two male chief disciples were Ven. Brahmadeva and Ven. Udaya.
His attendant was Ven. Samaṅga.
His two female chief disciples were Ven. Phussā and Ven. Sudattā.
His Bodhi tree was an Indian Laurel (Asana) tree.
His noble male supporters were the wealthy persons, Sambala and Sirima.
His noble female supporters were Kisā Gotamī and Upasenā.
Buddha Tissa was ten cubits tall. He was matchless and unequalled. He appeared like a mountain in the Himālayas, to those who saw him.
The lifespan of Buddha Tissa, who was endowed with incomparable psychic power, was neither too short not too long. Buddha Tissa, the possessor of the five eyes, lived in the world for 100,000 years.
Buddha Tissa, who had dispelled the darkness of ignorance (avijjā), after enjoying great fame, which surpassed the fame of those highly noble and admirable personages, attained Parinibbāna with his many Arahat disciples, just as a mass of fire that had become extinct after burning very brightly.
In this way, Buddha Tissa, conqueror of the five kinds of death (māra), attained Parinibbāna in Nanda Park, near Sunandavatī city. In that very park, a three leagues high shrine was erected, in the same way as mentioned with previous Buddhas, and was dedicated to Buddha Tissa.