Book III. Tikanipāta
The Section with Three Verses
Ja 251 Saṅkappajātaka
The Birth Story about Having (Lustful) Thoughts (3s)
Alternative Title: Saṅkapparāgajātaka (Cst)
In the present one monk, on seeing a woman, becomes discontent with his monastic life. The Buddha tells a story of how one holy ascetic was tempted and lost his powers when he saw the queen naked one day, and how he retired from his place in the king’s garden back to the Himālayas, and regained his powers.
The Bodhisatta = the ascetic (tāpasa),
Ānanda = the king (of Benares) (rājā).
Keywords: Lust, Desire, Women.
“No archer.”
A young nobleman, living in Sāvatthi, gave his heart to the dispensation of the Treasures, The Buddha, the Dhamma, the Saṅgha. and embraced the ascetic life. But one day, as he went his rounds in Sāvatthi, he happened to see a woman dressed in decorative apparel. Passion sprang up in his heart; he became disconsolate. When his teachers, counsellors and friends saw him thus, they at once asked him the cause. Seeing that he longed to return to the world, they said to one another, “My friend, the Teacher can remove the defilements of those who are tormented by lust and the like, and by declaring the Truths, he brings them to enjoy the fruition of sanctity. Come, let us lead him to the Teacher.”
So to the Teacher they brought him. Said he, “Why do you bring me this youth against his will, monks? They told him the reason. “Is this true,” he asked, “that you are discontent, as they say?” He assented. The Teacher asked the reason, and he recounted what had happened. Said he, “O monk, it has happened before that these women have caused impurity to spring up even in pure beings whose defilements have been stayed by the power of Absorption. Why should not vain men like you be defiled, when defilement comes even to the pure? Even men of the highest repute have fallen into dishonour; how much more the impure! Shall not the wind that shakes Mount Sineru also stir a heap of old leaves?
In the past, when Brahmadatta was king of Benares, the Bodhisatta was born into a great brahmin family, which had wealth to the amount of eight hundred millions of money. He grew up, and received his education at Taxila, and returned to Benares. There he married a wife; and on his parents’ death, he performed their obsequies.
Then, as he inspected his treasure, he reflected: “The treasure is still here, but they who gathered it are here no more!” He was overcome with grief, and the sweat poured from his body.
He lived a long time at home, and gave much in alms; he mastered his passions; then he left his weeping friends, and went into the Himālayas, where he built a hut in a delightful spot, and lived upon the wild fruits and roots of the forest, which he found in his goings to and fro. Before long he cultivated the Super Knowledges and Attainments, and lived awhile in the bliss of Absorption.
Then a thought came to him. He would go amongst mankind, to buy salt and seasoning; thus his body would grow strong, and he would wander about on foot. “All that shall give alms to a virtuous man like me,” he thought, “and greet me with respect, shall fill the heavenly regions.” So down he came from the Himālayas, and by and by, as he tramped onwards, he came to Benares at the time of the sun setting. He looked about for a place to stay, and spied the royal park. “Here,” said he, “is a place fit for retirement; here will I dwell.” So he entered the park, and sat at the foot of a tree, and spent the night in the joy of Absorption.
Next day in the forenoon, having seen to his bodily needs, and adjusted his matted hair, his skin and robes of bark, he took up his alms-bowl; all his senses were quiet, his pride was calmed, he bore himself nobly, looking no more than a plough’s length before him; by the glory of his appearance, which was perfect in every way,
Now the king was upon his terrace, walking to and fro. He spied the Bodhisatta through a window. He was pleased with his bearing, “If,” he thought, “there is such a thing as perfect quietude, it must be found in this man.” So he sent one of his courtiers, bidding him fetch the ascetic. The man came up with a greeting, and took his alms-bowl, saying: “The king sends for you, sir.”
“Noble friend,” replied the Bodhisatta, “the king does not know me!”
“Then, sir, please remain here until I return.” So he told the king what the beggar had said.
Then said the king, “We have no confidential priest: go, fetch him,” and at the same time he beckoned out of the window, calling to him, “Here, come in, sir!”
The Bodhisatta gave up his alms-bowl to the courtier, and mounted upon the terrace. Then the king greeted him, and set him upon the king’s couch, and offered him all the foods and meats prepared for himself. When he had eaten, he put a few questions to him; and the answers which
“Good sir, where do you live? Whence did you come here?”
“I dwell in the Himālayas, mighty king, and from the Himālayas have I come.”
The king asked, “Why?” “In the rainy season, O king, we must seek a fixed abode.”
“Then,” the king said, “abide here in my royal park, you shall not lack for the four things needful; I shall acquire the merit which leads to heaven.”
The promise was given; and having broken his fast he went with the Bodhisatta into the grounds, and caused a hut of leaves to be built there. A covered walk he had made, and prepared all the places for his living by night and by day. All the furniture and requisites for an ascetic’s life he had brought, and bidding him be comfortable he gave him in charge to the park-keeper.
For twelve years after this,
Once it so happened that a frontier district rose in rebellion. The king desired to go himself to quell it. Calling his queen, he said: “Lady, either you or I must stay behind.”
“Why do you say that, my lord?” she asked.
“For the sake of the good ascetic.”
“I will not neglect him,” said she. “Mine be it to attend upon the holy father; do you go away without anxiety.”
So the king departed; and then the queen waited attentively upon the Bodhisatta.
Now the king was gone; at the fixed season the Bodhisatta came.
When it pleased him, he would come to the palace, and take his meal there. One day, he tarried a long time. The queen had made ready all his food; she bathed and adorned herself, and prepared a low seat; with a clean robe thrown loosely over her, she reclined, waiting for the Bodhisatta to come. Now the Bodhisatta noted the time of day; he took up his alms-bowl, and passing through the air, came up to the great window. She heard his bark robes rustle, and as she rose hastily, her yellow dress slipped.
The Bodhisatta let this unusual sight penetrate his senses, and looked upon her with desire. Then the evil passion that had been calmed by the power of his Absorption, rose as a cobra rises spreading his hood, from the basket in which he is kept: he was like a milky tree struck by the axe. As his passion gained force, his Absorption gave way, his senses lost their purity; he was as it were a crow with a broken wing. He could not sit down as before, and take his meal; not though she begged him to be seated, could he take his seat. So the queen placed all the food together in his alms-bowl;
When he came there, he could eat nothing. He set down the food at the foot of his bench, murmuring, “What a woman! Lovely hands, lovely feet! What a waist, what thighs!” and so forth. Thus he lay for seven days. The food all went bad, and was covered with a cloud of black flies.
Then the king returned, having reduced his frontier to order. The city was all decorated; he went round it in solemn procession, keeping it always on the right, and then proceeded to the palace. Next he entered the grove, wishing to see the Bodhisatta. He noticed the dirt and rubbish about the hermitage, and thinking he must be gone, he pushed back the hut door, and stepped in. There lay the ascetic. “He must he ill,” thought the king. So he had the putrid food thrown away, and the hut set in order, and then asked,
“What is the matter, sir?”
“Sire, I am wounded!”
Then the king thought: “I suppose my enemies must have done this. They could not get a chance at me, so they determined to do a mischief to what I love.” So he turned him over, looking for the wound; but no wound could he see. Then he asked, “Where’s the place, sir?”
“No one has hurt me,” replied the Bodhisatta, “only I have wounded my own heart.” And he rose, and sat upon a seat, and repeated the following verses:
1. Saṅkapparāgadhotena, vitakkanisitena ca –
Nālaṅkatena bhadrena, usukārākatena ca.
By the cleansing of lustful thoughts, and by the sharpening of thought – not by adorning, not by blessings, and not by the fletcher.
2. Na kaṇṇāyatamuttena, nāpi morūpasevinā –
Tenamhi hadaye viddho sabbaṅgaparidāhinā.
Not by shooting from the ear, not by using a peacock’s feather – by defilements I’m pierced in the heart with a fire in all my limbs.
3. Āvedhañ-ca na passāmi yato ruhiram-assave,
Yāva ayoniso cittaṁ, sayaṁ me dukkham-ābhatan-ti.
I can see no wound on my body from where the blood might flow out, my heart is very careless, suffering is brought upon myself.
In this connection, by the cleansing of lustful thoughts, by the cleansing of sensual thoughts connected with lust.
And by the sharpening of thought means by this the water of lust is sharpened on the rock of thought.
Not by adorning, not by blessings, neither by adorning, or by blessings, but by not adorning, by repulsion, this is the meaning.
And not by the fletcher means also not made by the fletcher.
Not by shooting from the ear, having drawn an arrow as far as the root of the right ear, but by not shooting it. Lit. by not releasing (it).
Not by using a peacock’s feather means by not making use of a peacock’s feather, a vulture’s feather and so on on the arrowhead.
By defilements I’m pierced in the heart means by this, by the thorn of defilements, I have been pierced in the heart.
With a fire in all my limbs means with a fire able to burn all my limbs. Great king, beginning from the time when I was pierced in the heart by the thorn of defilements, there has been something like a fire burning all my limbs, this is the explanation.
I can see no wound on my body means I can see no place I am pierced, and no injury.
From where the blood might flow out, I cannot see a wound from where the blood might trickle out, this is the meaning.
My heart is very careless, here yāva is an emphatic particle, having become very firm, and developed a heart that is careless, this is the meaning.
Suffering is brought upon myself, by myself I have brought suffering upon myself.
Thus did the Bodhisatta explain matters to the king by these three verses. Then he made the king retire from the hut, and by focusing on the Meditation Object induced Absorption; and so he recovered his interrupted Absorption. Then he left the hut, and sitting in the air, exhorted the king. After this he declared that he would go up to the Himālayas.
The king would have dissuaded him, but he said: “O king, see what humiliation has come upon me while I dwelt here! I cannot live here.” And although the king entreated him, he rose up into
When the Teacher had ended this discourse, he declared the Truths and identified the Jātaka, at the conclusion of the Truths the discontented monk became an Arahat, and some entered the First Path, some the Second, and some the Third Paths, “Ānanda was the king, and I was the ascetic.”