Sentences of the Law
Book IV. Flowers, Puppha Vagga
44, 45
Who shall overcome this earth, and this World of Yama, and the World of the Gods?
Who shall pluck the well-taught Words of Truth, even as a good man plucks a flower?
The disciple shall overcome this earth, and this World of Yama, and the World of the Gods.
The disciple shall pluck the well-taught Words of Truth, even as a good man plucks a flower.
He who knows that this body is like foam, he who clearly comprehends that it is of the nature of a mirage,
Such a man will break the flower-tipped arrows of Māra and will go where the King of Death will not see him.
Even while a man is gathering flowers and is absorbed in pleasure,
Death comes and carries him off, even as a mighty flood overwhelms a sleeping village.
Even while a man is gathering flowers, while his heart is absorbed in pleasure,
Even before he has satisfied his desires, death overpowers him.
Even as a bee, without injuring a flower, or the color, or the scent thereof,
Gathers the honey, and then flies away, even so should a sage go about village.
Not the faults of others, not things done and left undone by others,
Only one’s own sins of commission and omission should one regard.
51, 52
Like a beautiful flower that possesses color but lacks perfume,
So well-spoken words are fruitless to him that doeth them not.
Like a beautiful flower that possesses both color and perfume,
So well-spoken words are fruitful to him that doeth them.
Even as from a heap of flowers a man may make many garlands,
Even so he that is born a mortal man should perform many good deeds.
54, 55
The perfume of flowers goes not against the wind,
Nor that of sandal, nor that of Tagara or Mallikā flowers;
But the perfume of the righteous goes against the wind;
To every point a good man exhales fragrance,
Whether of sandal or of lotus
Or of Tagara or Vassikī flowers,
The perfume of virtue is preeminent.
Weak is this perfume, this perfume of Tagara and of sandal;
The perfume of the virtuous is the finest that is wafted to the gods.
If men are endowed with the virtues, live the life of Heedfulness,
Are emancipated through perfect knowledge, Māra can never find the way to them.
58, 59
As upon a heap of rubbish cast out on the highway,
The lotus will grow, sweetly fragrant, delighting the heart,
Even so, among them that are as rubbish, blind folk, unconverted,
The disciple of the Supremely Enlightened shines with exceeding glory because of wisdom.