Book VII. The Arahat, Arahanta Vagga


For him who has completed his journey, for him who is free from sorrow,
For him who has freed himself from the bonds which beset him on all sides,
For him who has shaken off all the fetters, for such a one, no suffering is possible.


They that are mindful, exert themselves, they take not pleasure in an abode;
As geese leave a lake, so also do they leave house and home.


They that possess not stores of food, they that know their food aright,
They whose resort is the Void, the Uncaused, Deliverance,
Their going is hard to follow, like the flight of birds through the air.


He who has rid himself of the Contaminations, he who relies not upon food,
He whose resort is the Void, the Uncaused, Deliverance,
His going is hard to follow, like the flight of birds through the air.


If a man’s senses have been brought to a state of tranquillity,
Like horses well broken in by a charioteer,
If he has put away pride, if he is free from the Contaminations,
For such a man the gods cherish deep affection.


Like the earth, he is not troubled; like a threshold, such is the virtuous;
He is like a pool of water free from mud. The rounds of existence do not exist for such a man.


His thoughts are calm, his speech is calm, his deeds are calm;
Such is the calm of one who has obtained Deliverance by Right Knowledge.


That man who is free from credulity, who knows the Uncreate, who has brought rebirth to an end,
Who has put an end to every occasion of good and evil, who has renounced all desires, that man is the greatest of men.


In a village it may be, or in a forest, on the sea, or on dry land;
No matter where the Arahats reside, that spot is full of delight.


Delightful are the woods; where the man of the world finds no delight,
There they that are free from passion find delight, not they that seek after their lusts.