Book XXII. Hell, Niraya Vagga
He who declares that to have happened which happened not, goes to hell, and also he who having done a thing, says, “I did it not;”
Both these men are the same after death; they are men of evil deeds in the next world.
Many about whose neck hangs the yellow robe, are evildoers and uncontrolled;
Evildoers by reason of their evil deeds, they are reborn in Hell.
Better were it to swallow an iron ball, red-hot, like a flame of fire,
Than that one who is corrupt and lacks self-control should live on the charity of the land.
309, 310
Four misfortunes befall the heedless man who runs after other men’s wives:
First, he acquires demerit; secondly, he sleeps in discomfort; thirdly, he incurs blame; fourthly, he goes to Hell.
Acquisition of demerit, an evil future state, brief pleasure for the frightened man and woman,
Severe punishment inflicted by the king; – therefore a man should not run after another man’s wife.
311, 312, 313
Even as a blade of grass awkwardly grasped cuts the hand,
So the work of a monk, badly handled, drags down to Hell.
A loose deed or a corrupt course
Or dubious chastity, brings no great fruit.
If there is aught to be done, one should do it, one should do it with all his might,
For a lax wandering-ascetic but scatters dust the more.
It were better that an evil deed were left undone.
It were better that an evil deed were left undone, for an evil deed causes suffering afterwards;
It were better to do a good deed, for after doing a good deed, one does not suffer.
Even as a frontier city is well guarded both within and without,
Even so one should guard himself; let not a moment slip.
For they that let the moments slip, mourn, delivered over to Hell.
316, 317
They that feel shame when they ought not to feel shame,
And they that do not feel shame when they ought to feel shame,
Such men, since they have embraced false views, go to an evil future state.
They that see something to fear where no fear is,
Such men, since they have embraced false views, go to an evil future state.
318, 319
They that see sin where no sin is, and they that see no sin where sin exists,
Such men, since they have embraced false views, go to an evil future state.
They who know sin in its sinfulness, and that which is harmless in its harmlessness,
Such men, since they have embraced correct views, go to a happy future state.