Simple Buddhist-Christian Era Conversion Forms, May 2011 (Ref) |
Calculator for Monastic Dawn and Midday, September 2011 (Ref) |
The Realms of Existence (Ref) |
Basic Structure of the Pali Tipitaka (Ref) |
The Foremost and the Eighty Great Disciples (Ref) |
Thirty Things that Invariably Happen with the Buddhas (Ref) |
BJT Patimokkhapali (Pali) |
Analysis of the Bhikkhu Pātimokkha (Ref) |
The Earliest Recorded Discourses of the Buddha (from Lalitavistara, Mahakhandaka & Mahavastu) |
Reading of The Earliest Recorded Discourses of the Buddha |
Mahakhandhako (Vin Mv 1-4) (Pali) |
Mahakhandhako The Great Chapter (Vin Mv 1-4) |
The Great Chapter (Vin Mv 1-4) |
Reading of Reading of The Great Chapter (Mv 1-4) |
Tathagatassa Pure Caritam The Realised One’s Early Career (Map) |
Tathagatassa Vassana The Realised One’s Rains Retreats (Map) |
Dhammacakkappavattanasuttam The Discourse that Set the Dhamma Wheel Rolling (from Vin Mv 1) |
The Discourse that Set the Dhamma Wheel Rolling (from Vin Mv 1) |
Reading of The Discourse that Set the Dhamma Wheel Rolling (from Vin Mv 1) |
Dharmacakrapravartanasutram The Discourse that Set the Dharma-Wheel Rolling (from Lalitavistara) (Sanskritised Prakrit, English) |
The Discourse that Set the Dharma-Wheel Rolling (from Lalitavistara) |
Reading of The Discourse that Set the Dharma-Wheel Rolling (from Lalitavistara) |
Utpadyananirudhyanasutram The Discourse on Arising and Ceasing (The Fourth Discourse of the Buddha) (Mhv pp. 443-9) (Sanskritised Prakrit, English) |
The Discourse on Arising and Ceasing (The Fourth Discourse of the Buddha) (Mhv pp. 446-9) |
Reading of The Discourse on Arising and Ceasing (from Mahāvastu) |
Mahaparinibbanasuttam (DN 16) (Pali) |
Mahaparinibbanasuttam The Discourse about the Great Emancipation (DN 16) |
The Great Emancipation (DN 16) |
Reading of The Great Emancipation |
Tathagatassa Pacchima Carika The Realised One’s Last Tour (Map) |
Geography of Early Buddhism Bimala Churn Law (Reference) |
Cattari Samvejaniyani Thanani The Four Places that Produce Enthusiasm (Map) |
Sariravibhago The Distribution of the Relics (Map) |
Solasa Mahajanapada The 16 Great States (Map) |
Panca Mahanadi The Five Great Rivers (Map) |
Anotattasaro ca Sinerupabbato ca Mount Neru and Lake Anotatta (Map) |
Uruvilvato Rsipatanam Gamanam The Journey from Uruvilva to Rsipatana (Mhv pp. 322-329) (Sanskritised Prakrit, English) |
The Journey from Uruvilva to Rsipatana (from Mhv pp. 322-329) |
Reading of The Journey from Uruvilva to Rsipatana |
Mahasatipatthanasuttam The Long Discourse about the Ways of Attending to Mindfulness (DN 22) |
The Discourse about the Ways of Attending to Mindfulness (DN 22) |
Reading of The Discourse about the Ways of Attending to Mindfulness (DN 22) |
Ariyapariyesanasuttam The Discourse about the Noble Search (MN 26) |
The Discourse about the Noble Search (MN 26) |
Reading of The Discourse about the Noble Search (MN 26) |
Maharahulovadasuttam The Long Discourse Giving Advice to Rahula (MN 62) |
The Long Discourse Giving Advice to Rahula (MN 62) |
Reading of The Long Discourse Giving Advice to Rahula (MN 62) |
Bodhirājakumārasuttam The Discourse to Prince Bodhi (MN 85) |
The Discourse to Prince Bodhi (MN 85) |
Reading of Bodhirājakumārasuttam (in Pāḷi) (MN 85)
Reading of The Discourse to Prince Bodhi (MN 85) |
Anapanasatisuttam The Discourse about Mindfulness while Breathing (MN 118) |
The Discourse about Mindfulness while Breathing (MN. 118) |
Reading of The Discourse about Mindfulness while Breathing (MN. 118) |
Kayagatasatisuttam The Discourse about Mindfulness related to the Body (MN 119) |
The Discourse about Mindfulness related to the Body (MN. 119) |
Reading of The Discourse about Mindfulness related to the Body (MN. 119) |
Saccavibhanghasuttam The Discourse giving the Analysis of the Truths (MN 141) |
The Discourse giving the Analysis of the Truths (MN 141) |
Reading of The Discourse giving the Analysis of the Truths (MN 141) |
The Four Noble Truths (Cattari Ariyasaccani) (Ref) |
Dakkihinavibhanghasuttam The Analysis of Offerings (MN 142) |
The Discourse giving the Analysis of Offerings (MN 142) |
Reading of The Discourse giving the Analysis of Offerings (MN 142) |
Bhikkhunissamyuttam, September 2011 |
Bhikkhunisamyuttam Thematic Discourses about Nuns (SN 5) |
English-Texts/Thematic-Nuns/index.htm (SN 5) |
Reading of The Thematic Discourses about Nuns (SN 5) |
Malunkyaputtasuttam The Discourse Concerning Malunkyaputta (SN 35.95) |
The Discourse Concerning Malunkyaputta (SN 35.95) |
Reading of The Discourse Concerning Malunkyaputta (SN 35.95) |
Dutiya[-indriya]vibhangasuttam The Second Discourse giving an Analysis of the Faculties (SN 48.10) |
The Second Discourse giving an Analysis of the Faculties (SN 48.10) |
Reading of The Second Discourse giving an Analysis of the Faculties |
Titthayatanasuttam The Belief Systems (AN 3.62) |
The Discourse on the Belief Systems (AN 3.61) |
Reading of The Discourse on the Belief Systems (AN 3.61) |
Pattakammasuttam The Discourse about Suitable Deeds (AN 4.61) |
The Discourse about Suitable Deeds (AN 4.61) |
Reading of The Discourse about Suitable Deeds |
Girimanandasuttam The Discourse to Girimananda (AN 10:60) |
The Discourse to Girimananda (AN 10:60) |
Reading of The Discourse to Girimananda (AN 10:60) |
Pathamakathavatthusuttam The First Discourse on the Bases for Talk (AN 10.69) |
The First Discourse on the Bases for Talk (AN 10.69) |
Reading of The First Discourse on the Bases for Talk |
Pratityasamutpadadivibhanganirdesasutram The Discourse giving the Explanation and Analysis of Conditional Origination from the Beginning (Sanskritised Prakrit, English) |
The Explanation and Analysis of Conditional Origination from the Beginning |
Reading of The Explanation and Analysis of Conditional Origination from the Beginning |
Versions of Conditional Origination (Paticcasamuppādam) (Ref) |
Tigumbacetiyathomana Praise of the Tigumba Shrine (Pali, English) |
| |
Prajnaparamita-Hrdayam The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom (Sanskrit, English) |
| |
New Khuddakapatha (KN 1) (Pali, Prosody) |
Khuddakapatha The Short Readings (KN 1) |
The Short Readings (KN 1) |
Reading of The Short Readings |
Ratanasutta A Comparative Edition (Pali & Sanskritised Prakrit) |
Tisuttanirutti, A Grammatical Analysis of the Maṅgala, Ratana and Mettā Discourses |
New Dhammapada (KN 2) (Pali)
A Comparative Edition of the Dhammapada (Pali, Sanskritised Prakrit, Gandhari)
Reading of Dhammapada in Pali (Udana, KN 2) |
Dharmapadani Ayatanani Where the Dhammapada-s were found (Map) |
The Patna Dharmapada (Sanskritised Prakrit, Prosody) |
Udanavarga (Sanskritised Prakrit, Prosody) |
BJT Udanapali (KN 3) (Pali, Prosody)
A Comparison of the Pali Udanas and the Udanavarga (Pali & Sanskritised Prakrit) |
Udana Exalted Utterances (KN 3) |
Exalted Utterances (Udana, KN 3) |
Reading of Exalted Utterances (Udana, KN 3) |
BJT Itivuttakapali (KN 4) (Pali, Prosody) |
The Uraga Verses (Pali, Sanskritised Prakrit, Gandhari) |
Parayanavagga A New Edition (Pali, Prosody) |
Reading of Parayanavagga (Pali) (Sn 5) |
Parayanavagga A New Edition (Pali, Prosody) |
Parayanavaggo The Way to the Beyond (Sn 5) |
The Way to the Beyond (Sn 5) |
Reading of The Way to the Beyond (Sn 5) |
Abhidhamma-Matika The Matrix from the Abstract Teaching (Dhammasangani 1 & 2) |
The Matrix from the Abstract Teaching (Dhammasangani 1 & 2) |
Reading of The Matrix from the Abstract Teaching (Dhammasangani 1 & 2) |
Paticcasamuppādavibhango The Analysis of Conditional Origination (Vibh. 6) |
The Analysis of Conditional Origination (Vibh. 6) |
Reading of The Analysis of the Analysis of Conditional Origination |
Satipatthanavibhango Analysis of the Ways of Attending to Mindfulness (Vibh. 7) |
The Analysis of the Ways of Attending to Mindfulness (Vibh. 7) |
Reading of The Analysis of the Ways of Attending to Mindfulness |
Paccayuddesaniddesa The Enumeration and Explanation of the Conditions (Patthana 1 & 2) |
The Enumeration and Explanation of the Conditions (Patthana 1 & 2) |
The Enumeration and Explanation of the Conditions (Patthana 1 & 2) |
The 37 Things on the Side of Awakening (Sattatimsa Bodhipakkhiyadhamma) (Ref) |
The Six Deep Knowledges (Cha Abhinna) (Ref) |
Jambudīpa: Buddhato Asokassa India: From the Buddha to Asoka (Map) |
Asokassa Lipiyo Asoka’s Edicts (Map) |
Devanampiyatissassa Anurādhapūraṁ King Devanampiyatissa’s Anurādhapūra (Map) |
Asokan and the Missions |
Asoka and the Missions |
Asokassa Pesana Asoka’s Missions (Map) |
Arahat Saṅghamittā’s Story |
The Growth of the Dispensation (11 Maps) |
Jambudipe Buddhakala Parampara
Indian Buddhist Art Schools (6 Maps) |
Buddhakhetta and Buddhāpadāna, February 2012 |
Pubbakammapilotikam (Ap 39.10 & Comm) |
The Connection with Previous Deeds (Ap 39.10 & Comm)
Nalinika’s Story or: The Seduction of an Innocent |
Why the Buddha Suffered
The Seduction of an Innocent (Ap 39.10 & Comm) |
Why the Buddha Suffered (Ap 39.10 & Comm) |
Nalinikajatakavannana (Ja 526) |
Nalinikajatakavannana (Ja 526)
Nalinika’s Story or: The Seduction of an Innocent |
Nalinika’s Story
The Seduction of an Innocent (Ja 526) |
Nalinika’s Story or: The Seduction of an Innocent (Ja 526) |
Kunalajatakanidanam (from Ja 536)
Introduction to the Story of the Cuckoo or: The Buddha goes to War |
The Introduction to the Story of the Cuckoo
or: The Buddha goes to War (from Ja 536)
Introduction to the Story of the Cuckoo or: The Buddha goes to War (from Ja 536) |
Sankhakatha or, Paccekabuddhas Teach Awakening |
Sankha’s Story or, Paccekabuddhas Teach Awakening |
Sankha’s Story or, Paccekabuddhas Teach Awakening |
Buddha-carita (Sanskrit, Prosody) |
The Buddhacarita or Life of Buddha (Sanskrit, 1st c.) |
E.B. Cowell’s The Buddha Carita or The Life of the Buddha |
Reading of The Buddha Carita or The Life of the Buddha |
Jatakamala or Garland of Birth Stories |
Reading of Jatakamala or Garland of Birth Stories |
Studies in Ven. Buddhadatta’s Prosody (Prosody) |
Examples of Classical Metres from Mahavamsa
Examples of Classical Metres from Mahavamsa (Prosody) |
Dathavamsa (Pali) |
Jinacaritam (Pali) |
Jinacaritam The Life of the Victorious Buddha (Pali, 13th c. Sri Lankan Text) |
The Life of the Victorious Buddha |
Reading of The Life of the Victorious Buddha |
Catubhanavarapali, A New Edition (Pali) |
Safeguard Recitals |
Pocketbook of Protections (Pali) |
Daily Chanting, 3rd edition |
Blessing Chants |
Caturarakkha |
Mettabhavana (Sri Lanka Version) |
Mettabhavana (Universal Version) |
Narasihagatha |
Aggasavika Bhikkhuni |
Namakkarapali |
Buddhaniti Sangaho |
Buddhaniti Sangaho
Buddhist Wisdom Verses |
Buddhist Wisdom Verses |
Buddhist Wisdom Verses
The Beginnings of Buddhist Art by A. Foucher |
Introduction to the Early Buddhist Texts in Sanskritised Prakrit |
Sri Pingala’s Chandahsastra (Classical Sanskrit Prosody) |
Pali Prosody: Texts and Studies (An Outline of the Metres in the Pali Canon; New Khuddakapatha; New Dhammapada; Parayanavagga; & New Catubhanavarapali) (Prosody) |
Vrttaratnakara (Classical Sanskrit Prosody) |
Srutabodha (39 Classical Sanskrit Metres) (Prosody) |
Sanskrit Prosody: Texts and Studies (Chandahsastra; Vrttaratnakara; Srutabodha; Sanskrit Buddha-carita) (Prosody) |
The Light of Asia by Sir Edwin Arnold |
Reading of The Light of Asia by Sir Edwin Arnold |
Buddha, a poem by Madame A. Christina Albers |
Reading of Buddha, a poem by Madame A. Christina Albers |
Navapadamanjari (A New Collection of Sentences) |
Articles on Indian Prosody (Prosody) |
Examples for An Outline of the Metres in the Pali Canon |
An Outline of the Metres in the Pali Canon (3rd Revised Edition) (Prosody) |
The Main Metres in the Pali Canon (Prosody) |
Metre Tables (Chandahprasthara) (Prosody) |
A Comparative Table of the Metres found in ChSa, VR, & Vutt (Prosody) |
Light on Pāḷi Pronunciation (Ledi Sayadaw) (Ref) |
The Pronunciation of Pali (Ref) |
Grammatical Terms compiled by Bhikkhu Nyanamoli (Ref) |