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The Invitation to the Gods

(Chanted by One Person)

Samantā cakkavāḷesu atrāgacchantu devatā
May the gods from all over the universe assemble here

saddhammaṁ Munirājassa suṇantu saggamokkhadaṁ:
and listen to the King of the Sage’s true Dhamma about heaven and release:

Parittassavaṇakālo ayaṁ bhadantā!
Reverend Sirs, this is the time for hearing the safeguard!

Parittassavaṇakālo ayaṁ bhadantā!
Reverend Sirs, this is the time for hearing the safeguard!

Dhammaparittassavaṇakālo ayaṁ bhadantā!
Reverend Sirs, this is the time for hearing the Dhamma safeguard!



(Chanted by All Present)

Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa
Reverence to him, the Fortunate One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha

Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa
Reverence to him, the Fortunate One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha

Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa
Reverence to him, the Fortunate One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha


(monastics can chant the Reflections found in the appendix here)


Ārakkhā Bhāvanā
Protective Meditations


Buddhānussati, mettā ca, asubhaṁ, maraṇassati -
Recollection of the Buddha, friendliness, unattractiveness, and mindfulness of death -

iti imā caturārakkhā bhikkhu bhāveyya sīlavā.
these are the four protective meditations that a virtuous monk should develop.

Anantavitthāraguṇaṁ guṇatonussaraṁ Muniṁ,
Recollecting the Sage’s virtue, and his endless, extensive, good qualities,

bhāveyya buddhimā bhikkhu Buddhānussati-m-ādito.
the wise monk should develop the recollection of the Buddha first.


Recollection of the Buddha
(Ārakkhā Bhāvanā 1)

Savāsane kilese so eko sabbe nighātiya,
Alone he destroyed all the corruptions, and (bad) predispositions,

ahū susuddhasantāno pūjānaṁ ca sadāraho. [01]
and being continually and fully pure he is worthy of worship at all times.


Sabbakālagate dhamme sabbe sammā sayaṁ Muni
o The Sage by himself has, in every way, completely awakened to all things

sabbākārena bujjhitvā, eko sabbaññutaṁ gato. [02]
throughout the whole of time, and alone he has arrived at omniscience.


Vipassanādi vijjāhi sīlādi caraṇehi ca,
o Being endowed with great psychic power, good conduct, virtue, and so on

susamiddhehi sampanno, gaganābhehi nāyako. [03]
true understanding, insight, and so on, the leader was like the shining sky.


Sammāgato subhaṁ ṭhānaṁ amoghavacano ca so,
He who never spoke foolish words, has arrived at that glorious state (Nibbāna),

tividhassāpi lokassa ñātāniravasesato. [04]
he knew the threefold world system (completely) without leaving anything out.


Anekehi guṇoghehi sabbasattuttamo ahū,
Overflowing with countless good qualities he is supreme among all beings,

anekehi upāyehi naradamme damesi ca. [05]
with countless skilful means he tamed those men who could be tamed.


Eko sabbassa lokassa sabbam-atthānusāsako,
He alone, to the whole world was the teacher of everything good,

bhāgya-issariyādīnaṁ guṇānaṁ paramo nidhī. [06]
he is the highest treasure, having qualities such as good fortune, mastery, and so on.


Paññāssa sabbadhammesu karuṇā sabbajantusu,
Being wise in regard to all things compassionate to everybody,

attatthānaṁ paratthānaṁ sādhikā guṇajeṭṭhikā. [07]
he exceeded (others) in the best qualities, (knowing) what was for his own and others’ good.


Dayāya pāramī citvā paññāyattānam-uddharī,
Through sympathy he set his mind on the perfections through wisdom he raised himself up,

uddharī sabbadhamme ca, dayāyaññe ca uddharī. [08]
he raised himself above all things, through sympathy he raised others too.


Dissamāno pi tāvassa rūpakāyo acintayo,
Even his visible form-body was beyond thought,

asādhāraṇañāṇaḍḍhe dhammakāye kathā va kā ti? [09]
what can be said of his spiritual body, which was unique, having powerful knowledge?


3. The Discourse on the Great Blessings

Evaṁ me sutaṁ:
Thus I have heard:

ekaṁ samayaṁ Bhagavā Sāvatthiyaṁ viharati
at one time the Fortunate One was dwelling near Sāvatthī

Jetavane Anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
at Anāthapiṇḍika’s grounds in Jeta’s Wood.

Atha kho aññatarā devatā abhikkantāya rattiyā,
Then a certain god, towards the end of the night,

abhikkantavaṇṇā kevalakappaṁ Jetavanaṁ obhāsetvā,
whose surpassing beauty lit up the whole of Jeta’s Wood,

yena Bhagavā tenupasaṅkami,
approached the Fortunate One,

upasaṅkamitvā Bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā, ekam-antaṁ aṭṭhāsi.
and after approaching and worshipping the Fortunate One, he stood on one side.

Ekam-antaṁ ṭhitā kho sā devatā Bhagavantaṁ gāthāya ajjhabhāsi:
While standing on one side that god addressed the Fortunate One with a verse:


“Bahū devā manussā ca maṅgalāni acintayuṁ
“Many are the gods and the men who have thought about the blessings

ākaṅkhamānā sotthānaṁ: brūhi maṅgalam-uttamaṁ.” [01]
hoping for safety: now please say what is the supreme blessing.”


“Asevanā ca bālānaṁ, paṇḍitānañ-ca sevanā,
“Not associating with fools, but associating with the wise,

pūjā ca pūjanīyānaṁ: etaṁ maṅgalam-uttamaṁ. [02]
honouring those worthy of honour: this is the supreme blessing.


Paṭirūpadesavāso ca, pubbe ca katapuññatā,
Living in a suitable place, formerly having done good deeds,

attasammāpaṇidhi ca: etaṁ maṅgalam-uttamaṁ. [03]
aspiring in a right way oneself: this is the supreme blessing.


Bāhusaccañ-ca sippañ-ca, vinayo ca susikkhito,
Having great learning and craft, and being disciplined and well trained,

subhāsitā ca yā vācā: etaṁ maṅgalam-uttamaṁ. [04]
and whatever words are well spoken: this is the supreme blessing.


Mātāpitu-upaṭṭhānaṁ, puttadārassa saṅgaho,
Attendance on one’s mother and father, looking after one’s wife and children,

anākulā ca kammantā: etaṁ maṅgalam-uttamaṁ. [05]
with works that are not agitating: this is the supreme blessing.


Dānañ-ca Dhammacariyā ca, ñātakānañ-ca saṅgaho,
Giving, and living by the Dhamma, and looking after one’s relatives,

anavajjāni kammāni: etaṁ maṅgalam-uttamaṁ. [06]
(performing) actions that are blameless: this is the supreme blessing.


Ārati virati pāpā, majjapānā ca saññamo,
Abstinence, avoidance of bad deeds, restraint from intoxicating drink,

appamādo ca dhammesu: etaṁ maṅgalam-uttamaṁ. [07]
being heedful regarding (all) things: this is the supreme blessing.


Gāravo ca nivāto ca, santuṭṭhī ca kataññutā,
Having respect, being humble, being satisfied and grateful,

kālena Dhammasavaṇaṁ: etaṁ maṅgalam-uttamaṁ. [08]
listening to Dhamma at the right time: this is the supreme blessing.


Khantī ca sovacassatā, samaṇānañ-ca dassanaṁ,
Being patient and easily spoken to, seeing ascetics,

kālena Dhammasākacchā: etaṁ maṅgalam-uttamaṁ. [09]
discussing Dhamma at the right time: this is the supreme blessing.


Tapo ca brahmacariyañ-ca, ariyasaccānadassanaṁ,
Austere, living spiritually, insight into the noble truths,

nibbānasacchikiriyā ca: etaṁ maṅgalam-uttamaṁ. [10]
the experience of Nibbāna: this is the supreme blessing.


Phuṭṭhassa lokadhammehi, cittaṁ yassa na kampati,
He whose mind does not waver, when it is touched by things of this world,

asokaṁ virajaṁ khemaṁ: etaṁ maṅgalam-uttamaṁ. [11]
(being) griefless, dustless, and secure: this is the supreme blessing.


Etādisāni katvāna, sabbattha-m-aparājitā,
Having done as here directed, they are undefeated everywhere,

sabbattha sotthiṁ gacchanti: taṁ tesaṁ maṅgalam-uttaman”-ti. [12]
they go everywhere in safety: for them this is the supreme blessing.”


Verse of Blessing

Etena saccavajjena sotthi te hotu sabbadā!
By this declaration of the truth may you be safe at all times!

Etena saccavajjena hotu te jayamaṅgalaṁ!
By this declaration of the truth may you have the blessing of success!

Etena saccavajjena sabbarogo vinassatu!
By this declaration of the truth may all disease be destroyed!






last updated: April 2014