13. The Chapter about the World
Hīnaṁ dhammaṁ na seveyya, pamādena na saṁvase,
One should not follow lowly things, Defined as being the five strands of sense pleasure. one should not abide heedlessly,
micchādiṭṭhiṁ na seveyya, na siyā lokavaḍḍhano. [167]
one should not follow a wrong view, one should not foster worldliness.
Uttiṭṭhe nappamajjeyya, Dhammaṁ sucaritaṁ care,
One should strive, not be heedless, one should live by Dhamma, with good conduct,
Dhammacārī sukhaṁ seti asmiṁ loke paramhi ca. [168]
living by Dhamma one lives at ease in this world and the next.
Dhammaṁ care sucaritaṁ, na naṁ duccaritaṁ care,
One should live by Dhamma, with good conduct, not with bad conduct,
Dhammacārī sukhaṁ seti asmiṁ loke paramhi ca. [169]
living by Dhamma one lives at ease in this world and the next.
Yathā bubbulakaṁ passe, yathā passe marīcikaṁ,
One should see it as a bubble, one should see it as a mirage,
evaṁ lokaṁ avekkhantaṁ Maccurājā na passati. [170]
looking on the world in this way the King of Death does not see (one).
Etha passathimaṁ lokaṁ cittaṁ rājarathūpamaṁ,
Come, look upon this world adorned like a king’s gilded chariot,
yattha bālā visīdanti – natthi saṅgo vijānataṁ. [171]
where fools become depressed – there is no bond for those who understand.
Yo ca pubbe pamajjitvā, pacchā so nappamajjati,
Whoever was heedless before, but later is not heedless,
sŏ imaṁ lokaṁ pabhāseti abbhā mutto va candimā. [172]
that one shines brightly on this world like the moon released from a cloud.
Yassa pāpaṁ kataṁ kammaṁ kusalena pithīyati –
The one whose wicked deed is covered over by a good deed –
sŏ imaṁ lokaṁ pabhāseti abbhā mutto va candimā. [173]
that one shines brightly on this world like the moon released from a cloud.
Andhabhūto ayaṁ loko, tanukettha vipassati,
This world is blind, few here have true insight,
sakunto jālamutto va appo saggāya gacchati. [174]
as few go to heaven as birds that escape from the net.
Haṁsādiccapathe yanti, ākāse yanti iddhiyā,
Geese go through the path of the sky, they go through the firmament by their power,
nīyanti dhīrā lokamhā, jetvā Māraṁ savāhanaṁ. [175]
the wise are led out of the world, after beating Māra and his host.
Ekaṁ dhammaṁ atītassa, musāvādissa jantuno,
For the person speaking falsely, who has transgressed in this one thing,
vitiṇṇaparalokassa, natthi pāpaṁ akāriyaṁ. [176]
who has abandoned the next world, there is no wickedness left undone.
Na ve kadariyā devalokaṁ vajanti,
The miserly go not to the world of the gods,
bālā have nappasaṁsanti dānaṁ,
fools surely do not praise giving,
dhīro ca dānaṁ anumodamāno,
but the wise one rejoices in giving,
teneva so hoti sukhī parattha. [177]
and through that he is happy hereafter.
Pathavyā ekarajjena, saggassa gamanena vā,
Having sole sovereignty over the earth, or going to heaven,
sabbalokādhipaccena These three terms (ekarajjena, gamanena, ādhipaccena) are ablative-like instrumentals. – sotāpattiphalaṁ varaṁ. [178]
or lordship over the whole world – better is the fruit of stream-entry.
Lokavaggo Terasamo
The Chapter about the World, the Thirteenth
Related Verses from the Dhammapada
Yesaṁ sambodhi-aṅgesu sammā cittaṁ subhāvitaṁ,
For those who have well developed with right mind the factors of complete awakening,
ādānapaṭinissagge anupādāya ye ratā,
having given up grasping, those who delight in being unattached,
khīṇāsavā jutimanto, te loke parinibbutā. [89]
pollutant-free, shining forth, are emancipated in the world.
Yaṁ kiñci yiṭṭhaṁ ca hutaṁ ca loke
Whatever the alms or the sacrifice in the world
saṁvaccharaṁ yajetha puññapekkho,
the one seeking merit may give for a year,
sabbam-pi taṁ na catubhāgam-eti –
all that comes not to a quarter (of the merit) –
abhivādanā ujjugatesu seyyo. [108]
better is the worship of the upright.
Hirīnisedho puriso koci lokasmi’ vijjati,
Whatever person in the world is found restrained by conscience,
yo nindaṁ appabodhati, asso bhadro kasām-iva. [143]
and is aware of his fault, is like a good horse that is (restrained) by a whip.
Tatheva katapuññam-pi asmā lokā paraṁ gataṁ,
Just so, when one who has performed merit goes from this world unto the next,
puññāni paṭigaṇhanti piyaṁ ñātīva āgataṁ. [220]
his merits are received just as relatives come to their loved one.
Porāṇam-etaṁ, Atula, netaṁ ajjatanām-iva:
This is something of old, Atula, this is not something of today:
nindanti tuṇhim-āsīnaṁ, nindanti bahubhāṇinaṁ,
they blame the one who sits silently, they blame the one who talks a lot,
mitabhāṇim-pi nindanti, natthi loke anindito. [227]
they blame the one who talks in moderation, there is no one in the world not blamed.
Malitthiyā duccaritaṁ, maccheraṁ dadato malaṁ,
Bad conduct is a woman’s stain, stinginess is a giver’s stain,
malā ve pāpakā dhammā asmiṁ loke paramhi ca. [242]
wicked actions are indeed stains both in this world and in the next.
Yo pāṇam-atipāteti, musāvādañ-ca bhāsati,
Whoever kills a living being, and speaks a word that is not true,
loke adinnaṁ ādiyati, paradārañ-ca gacchati, [246]
takes what is not given here, and goes to another’s wife,
surāmerayapānañ-ca yo naro anuyuñjati,
that person who is devoted to a drink of liquor and wine,
idhevam-eso lokasmiṁ mūlaṁ khaṇati attano. [247]
digs up his own root right here in the world.
Yodha puññañ-ca pāpañ-ca bāhetvā brahmacariyavā,
* If he is one who lives the holy life here, warding off both merit and demerit,
saṅkhāya loke carati sa ce, bhikkhū ti vuccati. [267]
and wanders with discrimination in the world, that one is said to be a monastic.
Pāpāni parivajjeti sa munī tena so muni,
The seer who rejects wicked deeds through that is (considered) a seer,
yo munāti ubho loke muni tena pavuccati. [269]
whoever understands both worlds because of that is said to be a seer.
Sukhā matteyyatā loke, atho petteyyatā sukhā,
Respecting one’s mother is good in the world, also respecting one’s father is good,
sukhā sāmaññatā loke, atho brahmaññatā sukhā. [332]
respecting ascetics is good in the world, also respecting (true) brahmins is good.
Yaṁ esā sahatī jammī taṇhā loke visattikā,
That one who is overcome by these low cravings and attachments in the world,
sokā tassa pavaḍḍhanti abhivaṭṭhaṁ va bīraṇaṁ. [335]
for him griefs increase like grass that has had heavy rain.
Yo cetaṁ sahatī jammiṁ taṇhaṁ loke duraccayaṁ,
Whoever overcomes this low craving in the world, which is difficult to get past,
sokā tamhā papatanti udabindu va pokkharā. [336]
griefs fall from him like a drop of water from a lotus.
Santakāyo santavāco, santavā susamāhito,
Calm in body and calm in speech, having calmness and composure,
vantalokāmiso bhikkhu upasanto ti vuccati. [378]
having thrown off worldly gain the monastic is called one at peace.
Yo have daharo bhikkhu yuñjati Buddhasāsane,
That young monastic who is devoted to the Buddha’s dispensation,
sŏ imaṁ lokaṁ pabhāseti, abbhā mutto va candimā. [382]
shines forth in this world, like the moon freed from a cloud.
Yodha dīghaṁ va rassaṁ vā aṇuṁ-thūlaṁ subhāsubhaṁ,
* Whoever in the world does not take what is not given, long, short,
loke adinnaṁ nādiyati, tam-ahaṁ brūmi brāhmaṇaṁ. [409]
small, large, attractive or unattractive, that one I say is a brahmin.
Āsā yassa na vijjanti asmiṁ loke paramhi ca,
For the one who has no longings in this world or in the next world,
nirāsayaṁ visaṁyuttaṁ, tam-ahaṁ brūmi brāhmaṇaṁ. [410]
being without longings, detached, that one I say is a brahmin.
Hitvā ratiñ-ca aratiñ-ca, sītibhūtaṁ nirūpadhiṁ,
Abandoning delight and aversion, cooled off and free from cleaving,
sabbalokābhibhuṁ vīraṁ, tam-ahaṁ brūmi brāhmaṇaṁ. [418]
a hero who vanquished the whole world, that one I say is a brahmin.