1: Ajitamāṇavapucchā
The Young Man Ajita’s Questions
“Kenassu nivuto loko? icc-āyasmā Ajito,
“By what is the world enveloped? said venerable Ajita,
Kenassu nappakāsati?
Why does it not become clear?
Kissābhilepanaṁ brūsi? Kiṁ su tassa mahabbhayaṁ?” [57 (1032) 11]
What do you say is its defilement? What is (the world’s) great fear?”
“Avijjāya nivuto loko, Ajitā ti Bhagavā,
“The world is enveloped by ignorance, Ajita, said the Fortunate One,
vevicchā pamādā nappakāsati.
because of heedlessness and meanness it does not become clear.
Jappābhilepanaṁ brūmi dukkham-assa mahabbhayaṁ” [58 (1033) 12]
HungerHunger (
“Savanti sabbadhi sotā, icc-āyasmā Ajito,
“Streams are flowing everywhere,Streams = cravings. said venerable Ajita,
sotānaṁ kiṁ nivāraṇaṁ?
what is the constraint for streams?
Sotānaṁ saṁvaraṁ brūhi, kena sotā pithiyyare?” [59 (1034) 13]
Tell me the restraint for streams; by what are the streams shut off?”
“Yāni sotāni lokasmiṁ, Ajitā ti Bhagavā,
“Whatever streams there are in the world, Ajita, said the Fortunate One,
sati tesaṁ nivāraṇaṁ.
mindfulness is the constraint for them.
Sotānaṁ saṁvaraṁ brūmi, paññāy' ete pithiyyare.” [60 (1035) 14]
That is the restraint for streams, I say; by wisdom they are shut off.”
“Paññā c' eva sati cāpi, icc-āyasmā Ajito,
“Wisdom and also mindfulness, said venerable Ajita,
nāmarūpañ-ca mārisa,
and mind and body, dear Sir,
etaṁ me puṭṭhŏ pabrūhi: katth' etaṁ uparujjhati?” [61 (1036) 15]
please tell me this when asked: where does this cease?”
“Yam-etaṁ pañhaṁ apucchi Ajita taṁ vadāmi te!
“This question that was asked, Ajita, I can answer it!
Yattha nāmañ-ca rūpañ-ca asesaṁ uparujjhati:
As to where mind and body ceases without remainder:
viññāṇassa nirodhena, etth' etaṁ uparujjhati.” [62 (1037) 16]
with the cessation of consciousness,i.e. relinking consciousness (
“Ye ca saṅkhātadhammāse, ye ca sekhā puthū idha,
“Those who have discerned the Teaching, and the many in training here,Trainees are those who have attained the first Path (
tesaṁ me nipako iriyaṁ puṭṭho pabrūhi mārisa.” [63 (1038) 17]
when I ask the prudent one, please tell me their conduct, dear Sir.”
“Kāmesu nābhigijjheyya, manasānāvilo siyā.
“He should not be greedy for sense pleasures, or be disturbed in mind.
Kusalo sabbadhammānaṁ sato bhikkhu paribbaje” ti. [64 (1039) 18]
Skilful in all things, the monk should wander mindfully.”After this exchange the Commentary notes that Ajita and his thousand students attained Arahatta, and that countless others attained the Vision of the Teaching (
Ajita-māṇava-pucchā Niṭṭhitā
The Young Man Ajita’s Questions are Finished