2: Tissametteyyamāṇavapucchā
The Young Man Tissa Metteyya’s Questions


“Ko 'dha santusito loke? icc-āyasmā Tissametteyyo,
“Who is satisfied here in the world? said venerable Tissa Metteyya,

Kassa no santi iñjitā?
For whom is there no turmoil?

Ko ubh' antam-abhiññāya, majjhe mantā na lippati?
Who is the wise man, who has known both ends, and is undefiled in the middle?

Kaṁ brūsi Mahāpuriso ti? Ko 'dha sibbanim-accagā?” [65 (1040) 21]
Who do you say is a Great Man? Who has gone beyond the seamstress here?”The seamstress = craving, personified as one who ties one into continued existence.


“Kāmesu brahmacariyavā, Metteyyā ti Bhagavā,
“He who is chaste in regard to sense pleasures, Metteyya, said the Fortunate One,

vītataṇho sadā sato,
free from craving, always mindful,

saṅkhāya nibbuto bhikkhu, tassa no santi iñjitā. [66 (1041) 22]
having discernmentHaving discerned the truth of impermanence, etc. the monk is emancipated, for him there is no turmoil.


So ubh' anta-m-abhiññāya, majjhe mantā na lippati.
He is the wise man, who has known both ends, and is undefiled in the middle.

Taṁ brūmi Mahāpuriso ti, so 'dha sibbanim-accagā” ti. [67 (1042) 23]
He, I say, is a Great Man, he has gone beyond the seamstress here.”

Tissametteyyamāṇāvapucchā niṭṭhitā
The Young Man Tissa Metteyya’s Questions are Finished