15: Mogharājamāṇavapucchā
The Young Man Mogharāja’s Questions


“Dvāhaṁ Sakkaṁ apucchissaṁ, icc-āyasmā Mogharājā,
“Twice I asked the Sakyan, said venerable Mogharāja,

na me byākāsi Cakkhumā,
but the Visionary did not answer me,Mogharāja had tried to ask his question earlier on two occasions, but understanding that he was not ready, the Buddha accepted other questions first, giving him a chance to mature.

yāvatatiyañ-ca Devisi byākarotī ti me sutaṁ. [141 (1116) 15-1]
if (asked) up to a third time the Divine Seer answers, I have heard.


 Ayaṁ loko paro loko, Brahmaloko Sadevako:
This world, the other world, the Brahma world with its Gods:

diṭṭhiṁ te nābhijānāmi Gotamassa yasassino. [142 (1117) 15-2]
one does not know what view of this the reputable Gotama has.


Evaṁ abhikkantadassāviṁ, atthi pañhena āgamaṁ:
So, to the One With Excellent Sight, I have come in need with a question:

Kathaṁ lokaṁ avekkhantaṁ Maccurājā na passati?” [143 (1118) 15-3]
Looking on the world in what way does the king of Death not see (one)?


“Suññato lokaṁ avekkhassu, Mogharāja sadā sato.
“Look on the world as empty,This is one of the earliest references to suññatā, which was to play such an important role in the Mahāyāna teachings. Mogharāja, being always mindful.

Attānudiṭṭhiṁ ūhacca, evaṁ Maccutaro siyā.
Having removed (wrong) view of self, in this way one will cross beyond Death.

Evaṁ lokaṁ avekkhantaṁ Maccurājā na passatī” ti. [144 (1119) 15-4]
When looking on the world in this way the king of Death does not see (one).”

Mogharājamāṇavapucchā niṭṭhitā
The Young Man Mogharāja’s Questions are Finished