23: Mahāsamayasuttaṁ
The Discourse on the Great Convention
Evaṁ me sutaṁ:
Thus I have heard:
ekaṁ samayaṁ Bhagavā Sakkesu viharati
at one time the Fortunate One was dwelling amongst the Sakyans
Kapilavatthusmiṁ Mahāvane mahatā bhikkhusaṅghena saddhiṁ
in the Great Wood near Kapilavatthu with a great Saṅgha of monks
pañcamattehi bhikkhusatehi sabbeheva Arahantehi,
consisting of five hundred monks, all of them Worthy Ones,
dasahi ca lokadhātūhi CBhp:
and almost all of the gods from the ten world-elements had assembled
Bhagavantaṁ dassanāya bhikkhusaṅghañ-ca.
to see the Fortunate One and the Saṅgha of monks.
Atha kho catunnaṁ Suddhāvāsakāyikānaṁ devānaṁ etad-ahosi:
Then this occurred to four gods from among the hosts in the Pure Abodes:
“Ayaṁ kho Bhagavā Sakkesu viharati
“The Fortunate One is dwelling amongst the Sakyans
Kapilavatthusmiṁ Mahāvane mahatā bhikkhusaṅghena saddhiṁ
in the Great Wood near Kapilavatthu with a great Saṅgha of moṅks
pañcamattehi bhikkhusatehi sabbeheva Arahantehi,
consisting of five hundred monks, all of them Worthy Ones,
dasahi ca lokadhātūhi CBhp:
and almost all of the gods from the ten world elements have assembled
Bhagavantaṁ dassanāya bhikkhusaṅghañ-ca.
to see the Fortunate One and the Saṅgha of monks.
Yan-nūna mayam-pi yena Bhagavā tenupasaṅkameyyāma,
Well now, we too could approach the Fortunate One,
upasaṅkamitvā Bhagavato santike paccekagāthaṁ bhāseyyāmā” ti.
and after approaching the Fortunate One we could recite a verse each in his presence.”
Atha kho tā devatā seyyathā pi nāma balavā puriso
Then those gods, just as a strong man
sammiñjitaṁ vā bāhaṁ pasāreyya, pasāritaṁ vā bāhaṁ sammiñjeyya,
might stretch out a bent arm, or bend in an outstretched arm,
evam-evaṁ Suddhāvāsesu devesu antarahitā
in the same way disappeared from among the gods of the Pure Abodes
Bhagavato purato pātur-ahesuṁ.
and appeared in front of the Fortunate One.
Atha kho tā devatā Bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā, ekam-antaṁ aṭṭhaṁsu.
Then those gods after worshipping the Fortunate One, stood on one side.
Ekam-antaṁ ṭhitā kho ekā devatā
While standing on one side one of the gods
Bhagavato santike imaṁ gāthaṁ abhāsi:
recited this verse in the presence of the Fortunate One:
“Mahāsamayo pavanasmiṁ, devakāyā samāgatā,
“There is a great convention in the wood, and a host of gods have come,
āgatamha imaṁ Dhammasamayaṁ
we have come to this Dhamma convention
dakkhitāye aparājitasaṅghan”-ti. [01]
to see the Saṅgha, who are undefeated.”
Atha kho aparā devatā Bhagavato santike imaṁ gāthaṁ abhāsi:
Then another god recited this verse in the presence of the Fortunate One:
“Tatra bhikkhavo samādahaṁsu,
“In this place the monks are concentrated,
cittamattano ujukaṁ akaṁsu, MPP, PPV, PPV2:
they have straightened out their minds by themselves,
sārathīva nettāni gahetvā,
like a charioteer who has taken the reins,
indriyāni rakkhanti paṇḍitā” ti. [02]
the wise protect their sense faculties.”
Atha kho aparā devatā Bhagavato santike imaṁ gāthaṁ abhāsi:
Then another god recited this verse in the presence of the Fortunate One:
“Chetvā khīlaṁ chetvā palighaṁ,
“Having cut off the hindrance and obstacle,
indakhīlaṁ ūhacca-m-anejā,
and dug up the locking post, they are unmoved,
te caranti suddhā vimalā,
they live pure and unstained,
Cakkhumatā sudantā susunāgā” ti. [03]
young nāgas, well-tamed by the Visionary.”
Atha kho aparā devatā Bhagavato santike imaṁ gāthaṁ abhāsi:
Then another god recited this verse in the presence of the Fortunate One:
“Ye keci Buddhaṁ saraṇaṁ gatāse
“Whoever has gone to the Buddha for refuge
na te gamissanti apāyaṁ. CBhp:
will not go to the lower worlds.
Pahāya mānusaṁ dehaṁ
After giving up the human body
devakāyaṁ paripūressantī” ti. [04]
they will fill up the ranks of the gods.”
Atha kho Bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi:
Then the Fortunate One addressed the monks, saying:
“Yebhuyyena bhikkhave dasasu lokadhātūsu devatā sannipatitā
“Monks, almost all of the gods from the ten world-elements have assembled
Tathāgataṁ dassanāya bhikkhusaṅghañ-ca.
to see the Realised One and the Saṅgha of monks.
Ye pi te bhikkhave ahesuṁ atītam-addhānaṁ Arahanto,
Monks, those who in the past were Worthy Ones,
Sammāsambuddhā, tesam-pi Bhagavantānaṁ
Perfect Sambuddhas, for those Fortunate Ones also
etaparamā yeva devatā sannipatitā ahesuṁ
at least as many gods have assembled
seyyathā pi mayhaṁ etarahi.
as for me at the present time.
Ye pi te bhikkhave bhavissanti anāgatam-addhānaṁ Arahanto,
Monks, those who in the future will be Worthy Ones,
Sammāsambuddhā, tesam-pi Bhagavantānaṁ
Perfect Sambuddhas, for those Fortunate Ones also
etaparamā yeva devatā sannipatitā bhavissanti
at least as many gods will assemble
seyyathā pi mayhaṁ etarahi.
as for me at the present time.
Ācikkhissāmi bhikkhave devakāyānaṁ nāmāni,
Monks, I will declare the names of the hosts of gods,
kittayissāmi bhikkhave devakāyānaṁ nāmāni,
monks, I will proclaim the names of the hosts of gods,
desissāmi PPV:
monks, I will reveal the names of the hosts of gods.
Taṁ suṇātha sādhukaṁ manasikarotha bhāsissāmī” ti.
Listen to it, apply your minds well, and I will speak.”
“Evaṁ bhante,” ti kho te bhikkhū Bhagavato paccassosuṁ,
“Yes, reverend Sir,” those monks replied to the Fortunate One,
Bhagavā etad-avoca:
and the Fortunate One said this:
“Silokam-anukassāmi yattha Bhummā tad-assitā:
“I will repeat a famous verse (a Siloka) wherever the gods of the Earth live:
Ye sitā girigabbharaṁ, pahitattā samāhitā, [05]
There are (monks) who live in a hill cave, who are resolute, composed,
puthū MPP, PPV2:
who are like lions crouching, who have overcome (all) horror,
odātamanasā suddhā, vippasanna-m-anāvilā”. [06]
with minds that are cleansed, and purified, which are clear, and undisturbed”.
Bhiyyo PPV:
He knew there were more than five hundred in the wood near Kapilavatthu (like this),
tato āmantayī Satthā sāvake sāsane rate: [07]
therefore the Teacher addressed those disciples who delight in the teaching:
“Devakāyā abhikkantā, te vijānātha bhikkhavo!”
“A host of gods have drawn near (to us), you should know who they are, monks!”
Te ca ātappam-akaruṁ, sutvā Buddhassa sāsanaṁ, [08]
Then (those monks) became ardent, after hearing the Buddha’s teaching,
tesaṁ pātur-ahū CBhp:
and knowledge was manifest to them, seeing those non-human beings -
appeke satam-addakkhuṁ, sahassaṁ atha sattatiṁ. [09]
and some of them saw a hundred, a thousand, or seventy (thousand).
Sataṁ eke sahassānaṁ amanussānam-addasuṁ, CBhp:
Some of them saw a hundred thousand of those non-human beings,
appekenantam-addakkhuṁ disā sabbā phuṭā ahū. CBhp:
and some saw an endless number spread out in every direction.
Tañ-ca sabbaṁ abhiññāya vavakkhitvāna CBhp:
Having deep knowledge of all that the Visionary desired to speak,
tato āmantayī Satthā sāvake sāsane rate: [11]
therefore the Teacher addressed those disciples who delight in the teaching:
“Devakāyā abhikkantā, te vijānātha bhikkhavo! PPV:
“A host of gods have drawn near (to us), you should know who they are, monks!
Ye vohaṁ kittayissāmi girāhi anupubbaso. [12]
I will proclaim their (names) to you with lyrics in regular order.
Sattasahassā te yakkhā, PPV, MPP, PPV2:
There are seven thousand yakkhas, Earth gods from Kapilavatthu,
iddhimanto, jutīmanto, CBhp:
who have psychic power, who are bright, beautiful, and resplendent,
modamānā abhikkāmuṁ bhikkhūnaṁ samitiṁ vanaṁ. [13]
rejoicing they have drawn near the gathering of monks in the wood.
Chasahassā Hemavatā yakkhā nānattavaṇṇino,
From Hemavant there are six thousand yakkhas, diverse in colour,
iddhimanto, jutīmanto, vaṇṇavanto, yasassino,
who have psychic power, who are bright, beautiful, and resplendent,
modamānā abhikkāmuṁ bhikkhūnaṁ samitiṁ vanaṁ. [14]
rejoicing they have drawn near the gathering of monks in the wood.
Sātāgirā tisahassā yakkhā nānattavaṇṇino,
From Sātāgira there are three thousand yakkhas, diverse in colour,
iddhimanto, jutīmanto, vaṇṇavanto, yasassino,
who have psychic power, who are bright, beautiful, and resplendent,
modamānā abhikkāmuṁ bhikkhūnaṁ samitiṁ vanaṁ. [15]
rejoicing they have drawn near the gathering of monks in the wood.
Iccete soḷasasahassā yakkhā nānattavaṇṇino,
Like this there are sixteen thousand yakkhas, diverse in colour,
iddhimanto, jutīmanto, vaṇṇavanto, yasassino,
who have psychic power, who are bright, beautiful, and resplendent,
modamānā abhikkāmuṁ bhikkhūnaṁ samitiṁ vanaṁ. [16]
rejoicing they have drawn near the gathering of monks in the wood.
Vessāmittā pañcasatā yakkhā nānattavaṇṇino,
From Vessāmitta there are five hundred yakkhas, diverse in colour,
iddhimanto, jutīmanto, vaṇṇavanto, yasassino,
who have psychic power, who are bright, beautiful, and resplendent,
modamānā abhikkāmuṁ bhikkhūnaṁ samitiṁ vanaṁ. [17]
rejoicing they have drawn near the gathering of monks in the wood.
Kumbhīro CBhp:
From Rājagaha there is Kumbhira, who is settled on Vepulla,
bhiyyo CBhp, PPV:
and more than a hundred thousand yakkhas who gather round him,
Kumbhīro Rājagahiko so pāga samitiṁ vanaṁ. [18]
From Rājagaha there is Kumbhira he also came to the gathering in the wood.
The Four Great Kings
Purimañ-ca disaṁ, rājā Dhataraṭṭho taṁ CBhp: omit
The Easterly direction, the king Dhataraṭṭha rules over that,
gandhabbānaṁ ādhipati, Mahārājā yasassi so, [19]
he is master of the Gandhabbas, he is a resplendent Great King,
puttā pi tassa bahavo, Indanāmā mahabbalā,
also there are his many sons, Inda by name, ones of great strength,
iddhimanto, jutīmanto, vaṇṇavanto, yasassino,
who have psychic power, who are bright, beautiful, and resplendent,
modamānā abhikkāmuṁ bhikkhūnaṁ samitiṁ vanaṁ. [20]
rejoicing they have drawn near the gathering of monks in the wood.
Dakkhiṇañ-ca disaṁ, rājā Virūḷho taṁ pasāsati,
The Southerly direction, the king Virūḷha rules over that,
kumbhaṇḍānaṁ ādhipati, Mahārājā yasassi so, [21]
he is master of the Kumbhaṇḍas, he is a resplendent Great King,
puttā pi tassa bahavo, Indanāmā mahabbalā,
also there are his many sons, Inda by name, ones of great strength,
iddhimanto, jutīmanto, vaṇṇavanto, yasassino,
who have psychic power, who are bright, beautiful, and resplendent,
modamānā abhikkāmuṁ bhikkhūnaṁ samitiṁ vanaṁ. [22]
rejoicing they have drawn near the gathering of monks in the wood.
Pacchimañ-ca disaṁ, rājā Virūpakkho taṁ pasāsati,
The Westerly direction, the king Virūpakkha rules over that,
nāgānaṁ ādhipati, Mahārājā yasassi so, [23]
he is master of the nāgas, he is a resplendent Great King,
puttā pi tassa bahavo, Indanāmā mahabbalā,
also there are his many sons, Inda by name, ones of great strength,
iddhimanto, jutīmanto, vaṇṇavanto, yasassino,
who have psychic power, who are bright, beautiful, and resplendent,
modamānā abhikkāmuṁ bhikkhūnaṁ samitiṁ vanaṁ. [24]
rejoicing they have drawn near the gathering of monks in the wood.
Uttarañ-ca disaṁ, rājā Kuvero taṁ pasāsati,
The Northerly direction, the king Kuvera rules over that,
yakkhānaṁ ādhipati, Mahārājā yasassi so, [25]
he is master of the yakkhas, he is a resplendent Great King,
puttā pi tassa bahavo, Indanāmā mahabbalā,
also there are his many sons, Inda by name, ones of great strength,
iddhimanto, jutīmanto, vaṇṇavanto, yasassino,
who have psychic power, who are bright, beautiful, and resplendent,
modamānā abhikkāmuṁ bhikkhūnaṁ samitiṁ vanaṁ. [26]
rejoicing they have drawn near the gathering of monks in the wood.
Purimaṁ disaṁ Dhataraṭṭho, PPV2:
To the East there is Dhataraṭṭha, in the South there is Virūḷhaka,
Pacchimena Virūpakkho, Kuvero Uttaraṁ disaṁ. [27]
in the West there is Virūpakkha, to the North there is Kuvera.
Cattāro te Mahārājā, samantā caturo disā,
These are the Four Great Kings, from all sides, the four directions,
daddallamānā aṭṭhaṁsu vane Kāpilavatthave. [28]
they stood blazing brilliantly in the wood near Kapilavatthu.
Tesaṁ māyāvino dāsā āgu CBhp:
Their deceitful servants came, who are fraudulent and treacherous:
māyā Kuṭeṇḍu Veṭeṇḍu, Viṭucca Viṭuḍo saha, [29]
the deceitful Kuteṇḍu, Veteṇḍu, Viṭucca, and Viṭuḍa,
Candano Kāmaseṭṭho ca, Kinnughaṇḍu Nighaṇḍu ca,
Candana and Kāmaseṭṭha, Kinnughaṇḍu and Nighaṇḍu,
Panādo Opamañño ca, devasūto ca Mātalī, [30]
Panāda and Opamañña, and Mātali, the gods’ charioteer,
Cittaseno Although the grammar suggests that this is the name of one gandhabba, the commentary defines it as two. ca gandhabbo, Nalo rājā Janesabho
The gandhabbas Citta and Sena, the kings Nala and Janesabha
āgu Pañcasikho ceva, Timbarū Suriyavaccasā. [31]
came, and also Pañcasikha, Timbaru, and Suriyavaccasā.
Ete caññe ca rājāno, gandhabbā saha rājubhi,
These and also other kings, and gandhabbas along with their kings,
modamānā abhikkāmuṁ bhikkhūnaṁ samitiṁ vanaṁ. [32]
rejoicing they have drawn near the gathering of monks in the wood.
Nāgas and Supaṇṇas
Athāgu Nābhasā nāgā, CBhp:
Then came Nāgas from Nābhasa, and from Vesāli, and the Tacchakas,
Kambal' Assatarā āgu, Pāyāgā saha ñātibhi. [33]
the Kambalas, and Assataras came, and (nāgas) from Pāyāga with their kin.
Yāmunā Dhataraṭṭhā CBhp:
The Yāmuna, and the Dhataraṭṭha nāgas came, resplendent ones,
Erāvaṇo mahānāgo, so pāga samitiṁ vanaṁ. [34]
and Erāvaṇa, the great nāga, he also came to the gathering in the wood.
Ye nāgarāje sahasā haranti
Those who carry away the nāga kings by force
- dibbā dijā pakkhivisuddhacakkhū -
- the divine, twice-born, winged ones, with clear vision -
vehāsayā te vanam-ajjhapattā,
through the air they (came and) arrived in the wood,
Citrā Supaṇṇā iti tesaṁ nāmāni. [35]
the Citras and Supaṇṇas, such are their names.
Abhayaṁ tadā nāgarājānam-āsi,
But at that time the nāga kings were without fear,
supaṇṇato khemam-akāsi Buddho.
for the Buddha made them safe from the supaṇṇas.
Saṇhāhi vācāhi upavhayantā,
Calling on (one another) with gentle words,
nāgā supaṇṇā saraṇam-agaṁsu Buddhaṁ. CBhp:
the nāgas and supaṇṇas took refuge in the Buddha.
Jitā Vajirahatthena, samuddaṁ asurā sitā,
Defeated by Vajirahattha, the asuras live in the ocean,
bhātaro Vāsavassete, CBhp:
they are brothers of Vāsava, having psychic power, resplendent,
Kālakañjā mahābhiṁsā, asurā Dānaveghasā,
the very fearful Kālakañjas, the Dānaveghasa asuras,
Vepacittī MPP, PPV, PPV2:
Vepacitti and Sucitti, Pahārāda, together with Namuci,
satañ-ca Baliputtānaṁ, sabbe Verocanāmakā.
and a hundred of Bali’s sons, all of them named after Veroca.
Sannayhitvā Baliṁ senaṁ Rāhubhaddam-upāgamuṁ:
Having armed themselves, Bali’s army came to lucky Rāhu (and said):
“Samayo dāni bhaddante, bhikkhūnaṁ samitiṁ vanaṁ.” [39]
“Now is the time, reverend Sir, for the gathering of the monks in the wood.”
Āpo ca devā Paṭhavī ca, CBhp: omit 2nd
The Water gods, and the Earth gods, the Fire, and the Wind (gods all) came there,
Varuṇā Vāruṇā devā, Somo ca Yasasā saha, [40]
the Varuṇa, and Vāruṇa gods, Soma followed by Yasa,
Mettākaruṇākāyikā āgu devā yasassino.
and a host of Friendly and Compassionate gods came, respendlent ones.
Dasete dasadhā kāyā, sabbe nānattavaṇṇino, [41]
All of these ten hosts, ten kinds (of gods), who are diverse in colour,
iddhimanto, jutīmanto, vaṇṇavanto, yasassino.
who have psychic power, who are bright, beautiful, and resplendent.
modamānā abhikkāmuṁ bhikkhūnaṁ samitiṁ vanaṁ. [42]
rejoicing they have drawn near the gathering of monks in the wood.
Veṇhū devā MPP, PPV, PPV2:
The Veṇhu and Sahali and Asama gods, and the two Yama gods (came).
Candassūpanisā CBhp:
The gods who depend on the Moon came, with the Moon in front of them.
Suriyassūpanisā CBhp, PPV2:
The gods who depend on the Sun came, with the Sun in front of them,
Nakkhattāni purakkhatvā, āgu mandavalāhakā. [44]
with the stars in front of them, also the foolish Rain Cloud (gods) came.
Vasūnaṁ Vāsavo seṭṭho, Sakko pāga Purindado.
Sakka also came, (who is called) Vāsava, the best of the Vasū, and Purindada.
Dasete dasadhā kāyā, sabbe nānattavaṇṇino, [45]
All of these ten hosts, ten kinds (of gods), who are diverse in colour,
iddhimanto, jutīmanto, vaṇṇavanto, yasassino,
who have psychic power, who are bright, beautiful, and resplendent,
modamānā abhikkāmuṁ bhikkhūnaṁ samitiṁ vanaṁ. [46]
rejoicing they have drawn near the gathering of monks in the wood.
Athāgu Sahabhū devā, jalam-aggisikhāriva,
Then came the Sahabhu gods, blazing forth, like the crest of a fire,
Ariṭṭhakā ca Rojā ca Ummāpupphanibhāsino. [47]
and the Ariṭṭhakas and Rojas and the splendid Ummapuppha (gods).
Varuṇā Sahadhammā ca, Accutā ca Anejakā,
The Varuṇas and Sahadhammas, the Accutas and Anejakas,
Sūleyyarucirā CBhp, PPV2:
the Sūleyyas and Ruciras (all) came; the Vāsavanesi (gods) came.
Dasete dasadhā kāyā, sabbe nānattavaṇṇino,
All of these ten hosts, ten kinds (of gods), who are diverse in colour,
iddhimanto, jutīmanto, vaṇṇavanto, yasassino,
who have psychic power, who are bright, beautiful, and resplendent,
modamānā abhikkāmuṁ bhikkhūnaṁ samitiṁ vanaṁ. [49]
rejoicing they have drawn near the gathering of monks in the wood.
Samānā Mahāsamānā, Mānusā Mānusuttamā,
The Samānas, Mahasamānas, Mānusas, Mānusuttamas,
Khiḍḍāpadūsikā āgu; āgu CBhp:
and the Khiḍḍāpadūsikas came; the Manopadūsikas came.
Athāgu Harayo devā, ye ca Lohitavāsino.
Then the Hari gods came, and those (known as) the Lohitavāsī.
Pāragā Mahapāragā CBhp:
The Pāragas, and Mahapāragas came, gods who are resplendent.
Dasete dasadhā kāyā, sabbe nānattavaṇṇino,
All of these ten hosts, ten kinds (of gods), who are diverse in colour,
iddhimanto, jutīmanto, vaṇṇavanto, yasassino,
who have psychic power, who are bright, beautiful, and resplendent,
modamānā abhikkāmuṁ bhikkhūnaṁ samitiṁ vanaṁ. [52]
rejoicing they have drawn near the gathering of monks in the wood.
Sukkā Karumhā CBhp:
The Sukkas, Karumhas, and Aruṇas came, with the Veghanasas.
Odātagayhā pāmokkhā āgu devā Vicakkhaṇā. [53]
The Vicakkhaṇa gods came with the Odātagayhas in front.
Sadāmattā Hāragajā, Missakā ca yasassino.
The Sadāmattas, Hāragajas, and the resplendent Missakas.
Thanayaṁ āga Pajjunno, yo disā abhivassati. [54]
Pajjunna came thundering, he who pours down rain in (all) directions.
Dasete dasadhā kāyā, sabbe nānattavaṇṇino,
All of these ten hosts, ten kinds (of gods), who are diverse in colour,
iddhimanto, jutīmanto, vaṇṇavanto, yasassino,
who have psychic power, who are bright, beautiful, and resplendent,
modamānā abhikkāmuṁ bhikkhūnaṁ samitiṁ vanaṁ. [55]
rejoicing they have drawn near the gathering of monks in the wood.
Khemiyā Tusitā Yāmā, Kaṭṭhakā ca yasassino.
The Khemiyas, Tusitas, Yāmas, and resplendent Kaṭṭhakas (came).
Lambītakā Lāmaseṭṭhā Jotināmā ca Āsavā, [56]
The Lambītakas, Lāmaseṭṭhas, those called the Jotis, and Āsavas,
Nimmāṇaratino āgu; athāgu Paranimmitā.
and the Nimmāṇaratis came; then came the Paranimittas.
Dasete dasadhā kāyā, sabbe nānattavaṇṇino, [57]
All of these ten hosts, ten kinds (of gods), who are diverse in colour,
iddhimanto, jutīmanto, vaṇṇavanto, yasassino,
who have psychic power, who are bright, beautiful, and resplendent,
modamānā abhikkāmuṁ bhikkhūnaṁ samitiṁ vanaṁ. [58]
rejoicing they have drawn near the gathering of monks in the wood.
Saṭṭhete devanikāyā, sabbe nānattavaṇṇino,
All of these sixty hosts of gods, who are diverse in colour,
nāmanvayena āgañchuṁ ye caññe sadisā saha: [59]
in conformity with their names came; these along with others similar (thinking):
“Pavutthajātiṁ akhilaṁ, oghatiṇṇam-anāsavaṁ,
o “We shall see the casteless (Saṅgha), unhindered, flood-crossers, pollution-free,
dakkhemoghataraṁ nāgaṁ, Candaṁ va asitātigaṁ. [60]
and the nāga, who is beyond the flood, who, like the Moon, has overcome the darkness.
Subrahmā Paramatto ca, puttā iddhimato saha.
Subrahmā and Paramatta, along with the sons of the powerful one (came).
Sanaṅkumāro Tisso ca so pāga samitiṁ vanaṁ. [61]
Sanaṅkumāra and Tissa also came to the gathering in the wood.
Sahassaṁ brahmalokānaṁ Mahābrahmābhitiṭṭhati,
In the thousand brahma worlds a Great Brahma has arisen,
upapanno jutīmanto, bhismākāyo yasassi so. [62]
a bright one, who stands out, whose awesome body is resplendent.
Dasettha Issarā āgu, paccekavasavattino,
The ten Issarā (brahmās) came, who individually wield power,
tesañ-ca majjhato āga Hārito parivārito. [63]
and in the midst of them came Hārita with his entourage.
Māra and his Army
Te ca sabbe abhikkante, sa-Inde deve sabrahmake,
Now when they had all drawn near, Inda with the gods and the brahmās,
Mārasenā abhikkāmi: PPV:
Māra’s army also drew near: behold the foolishness of the Dark One!
“Etha gaṇhatha bandhatha, rāgena bandham-atthu ve, CBhp:
“Come now, seize them, and bind them (he said), let them be bound by passion,
samantā parivāretha, mā vo muñcittha koci naṁ!” [65]
surround them on all sides, do not let anyone of them go free!”
Iti tattha mahāseno kaṇhasenaṁ apesayī, CBhp:
Thus in that place the great army leader sent forth his dark army,
pāṇinā thalam-āhacca, saraṁ katvāna bheravaṁ, [66]
after striking the ground with his hand, and making a fearful noise,
yathā pāvussako megho, thanayanto savijjuko -
like a storm cloud shedding rain, thundering, with flashes of lightning -
tadā so paccudāvatti, saṅkuddho asayaṁvasī. [67]
but then he retreated, angry, and unable to control himself.
Tañ-ca sabbaṁ abhiññāya vavakkhitvāna Cakkhumā,
Knowing all that (was happening) the Visionary desired to speak,
tato āmantayī Satthā sāvake sāsane rate: [68]
therefore the Teacher addressed those disciples who delight in the teaching:
“Mārasenā abhikkantā, te vijānātha bhikkhavo!”
“Māra’s army has drawn near (to us), you should know who they are, monks!”
Te ca ātappam-akaruṁ, sutvā Buddhassa sāsanaṁ.
Then (those monks) became ardent, after hearing the Buddha’s teaching.
Vītarāgehapakkāmuṁ, CBhp:
They withdrew from the passionless (monks), not one of their hairs was shaken!
Spoken by Māra
“Sabbe vijitasaṅgāmā, bhayātītā PPV:
“They are all victorious in battle, beyond fear, and resplendent,
modanti saha bhūtehi, sāvakā te jane sutā” ti. [70]
those disciples, famous among men, along with (all) beings, are glad.”