The Entrance into the Light of the Dharma

A Sanskritised Prakrit and English line by line (interlinear) version of the final teaching the Bodhisattva gives to the gods before his final life.

(from Lalitavistara, Ch. 4)

Text edited by Prof. Dr. S. Lefmann

Translation by Ānandajoti Bhikkhu Special thanks to Mike Cross for going through this and making many corrections and suggestions for improvement.




The setting is in the Tuṣita Heaven before our Bodhisattva descends into the womb of Queen Māyādevī. These 108 teachings constitute the last teachings he gives to the assembled gods before he makes the descent. The teaching is said to be given by all Bodhisattvas before they begin their final life.


Atha Bodhisattvaḥ punar-api tāṁ mahatīṁ deva-parṣadam-āmantryaivam-āha:
Then the Bodhisattva addressed that great assembly of gods (in Tuṣita Heaven) again, saying:

Tena hi, Mārṣāḥ, śṇuta, cyuty-ākāraṁ,
Now then, Sirs, listen, during the descent (into the womb),

devatā-saṁharṣaṇaṁ ‘Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ’,
to the ‘Entrance into the Light of the Dharma’ which delights the gods,

yad-ete Bodhisattvā ebhyo deva-putrebhyo bhāṣante:
which is spoken by the Bodhisattvas to the gods:


Aṣṭottaram-idaṁ Mārṣā Dharmāloka-Mukhaṁ śataṁ,
This, Sirs, is the one hundred and eight In fact it appears in the Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese versions of this collection there are always 109 entrances mentioned. 108 was, however, an auspicious number. (constituting) the Entrance into the Light of the Dharma,

yad-avaśyaṁ Bodhisattvena cyavana-kāla-samaye,
which, invariably, the Bodhisattva, at the time of the descent (into the womb),

deva-parṣadi saṁprakāśayitavyaṁ.
will reveal to the assembly of the gods.


Which one hundred and eight?

They are:

{1} Śraddhā Mārṣā Dharmāloka-mukham-
Sirs, the faith entrance into the light of the Dharma

abhedy-āśayatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to unbroken intention,

{2} prasādo Dharmāloka-mukham-
the confidence entrance into the light of the Dharma

āvila-citta-prasādanatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to an undisturbed and clear mind,

{3} prāmodyaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the rejoicing entrance into the light of the Dharma

prasiddhyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to clarity,

{4} prīti Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the joy entrance into the light of the Dharma

citta-viśuddhyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to purification of mind,

Three Restraints

{5} kāya-saṁvaro Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the restraint of body entrance into the light of the Dharma

tri-kāya-pariśuddhyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to purification of the three bodies,

{6} vāk-saṁvaro Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the restraint of speech entrance into the light of the Dharma

catur-vāg-doṣa-parivarjanatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to avoiding the four faults of speech,

{7} manaḥ-saṁvaro Dharmāloka-mukham-
the restraint of mind entrance into the light of the Dharma

abhidhyāvyāpāda-mithyā-dṣṭi-prahāṇāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to abandoning avarice, ill-will and wrong view,

Six Recollections

{8} Buddhānusmti-Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the recollection of the Buddha entrance into the light of the Dharma

Buddha-darśana-viśuddhyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to purification of the vision of the Buddha,

{9} Dharmānusmti Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the recollection of the Dharma entrance into the light of the Dharma

Dharma-deśanā-viśuddhyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to purification of Dharma instruction,

{10} Saṅghānusmti Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the recollection of the Saṅgha entrance into the light of the Dharma

nyāyā-kramaṇatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to proceeding systematically,

{11} tyāgānusmti Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the recollection of liberality entrance into the light of the Dharma

sarvopadhi-pratiniḥsargāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to letting go of all attachments,

{12} śīlānusmti Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the recollection of virtue entrance into the light of the Dharma

praṇidhāna-paripūrtyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to fulfilment of aspirations,

{13} devatānusmti Dharmāloka-mukham-
the recollection of the gods entrance into the light of the Dharma

udāra-cittatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to the noblest mind state,

Four Spiritual States

{14} maitrī Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the friendliness entrance into the light of the Dharma

sarvopadhika-puṇya-kriyā-vastv-abhibhāvanatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to the surpassing of meritorious actions based on any material (gifts),

{15} karuṇā Dharmāloka-mukham-
the kindness entrance into the light of the Dharma

avihiṁsāparamatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to supreme non-violence,

{16} muditā Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the gladness entrance into the light of the Dharma

sarvāraty-apakarṣaṇatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to the removal of all displeasure,

{17} upekṣā Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the equanimity entrance into the light of the Dharma

kāma-jugupsanatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to disgust with sensual pleasures,

Four Investigations

{18} anitya-pratyavekṣā Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the investigation into impermanence entrance into the light of the Dharma

kāma-rūpyārūpya-rāga-samatikramāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to the surmounting of passion for the sensual, form and formless (worlds),

{19} duḥkha-pratyavekṣā Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the investigation into suffering entrance into the light of the Dharma

praṇidhāna-samucchedāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to destruction of aspirations (for worldly things),

{20} anātma-pratyavekṣā Dharmāloka-mukham-
the investigation into non-self entrance into the light of the Dharma

ātmānabhiniveśanatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to non-fixation on the self,

{21} śānta-pratyavekṣā Dharmāloka-mukham-
the investigation into the peace (of nibbāna) entrance into the light of the Dharma

anunayāsaṁdhukṣanatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to not being inflamed with affection,


{22} hrī Dharmāloka-mukham-
the shame entrance into the light of the Dharma

adhyātmopaśamāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to inner peace,

{23} apatrāpyaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the conscience entrance into the light of the Dharma

bahirdhāgraśamāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to external supreme peace,

{24} satyaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the truth entrance into the light of the Dharma

deva-manuṣyāvisaṁvādanatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to non-deception of gods and men,

{25} bhūtaṁ Dharmāloka-mukham-
the reality entrance into the light of the Dharma

ātmāvisaṁvādanatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to non-deception of the self,

{26} dharma-caraṇaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the living by Dharma entrance into the light of the Dharma

Dharma-pratiśaraṇatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to refuge in the Dharma,

{27} tri-śaraṇa-gamanaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the three goings-for-refuge entrance into the light of the Dharma

try-apāya-samatikramāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to overcoming the three downfalls,

{28} kta-jñatā Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the gratitude entrance into the light of the Dharma

kta-kuśala-mūlāvipraṇāśāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to the non-destruction of the roots of wholesomeness,

{29} kta-veditā Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the gratefulness entrance into the light of the Dharma

parābhimanyatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to consideration of others,

Four Knowledges

{30} ātma-jñatā Dharmāloka-mukham-
the knowledge of self entrance into the light of the Dharma

ātmānutkarṣaṇatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to the non-exaltation of oneself,

{31} sattva-jñatā Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the knowledge of beings entrance into the light of the Dharma

parāpatsamānatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to non-belittling I think we must take it that apatsamāna = avamāna. of others,

{32} Dharma-jñatā Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the knowledge of the Dharma entrance into the light of the Dharma

Dharmānudharma-pratipattyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to practising in accordance with Dharma,

{33} kāla-jñatā Dharmāloka-mukham-
the knowing the right time entrance into the light of the Dharma

amogha-darśanatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to unfailing insight,


{34} nihata-mānatā Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the humility entrance into the light of the Dharma

jñānatāparipūrtyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to fulfilment of knowledge,

{35} apratihata-cittatā Dharmāloka-mukham-
the unobstructed mind entrance into the light of the Dharma

ātma-parānurakṣaṇatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to protection of oneself and others,

{36} anupanāho Dharmāloka-mukham-
the lack of enmity entrance into the light of the Dharma

akauktyāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to lack of repentance,

{37} adhimukti Dharmāloka-mukham-
the resolution entrance into the light of the Dharma

avicikitsāparamatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to a supreme lack of doubt,

{38} aśubha-pratyavekṣā Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the investigation into the unattractive entrance into the light of the Dharma

kāma-vitarka-prahāṇāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to abandoning thoughts of sensual pleasure,

{39} avyāpādo Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the good-will entrance into the light of the Dharma

vyāpāda-vitarka-prahāṇāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to abandoning thoughts of ill-will,

{40} amoho Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the lack of delusion entrance into the light of the Dharma

sarvājñāna-vidhamanatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to the extinction of all lack of knowledge,

{41} Dharmārthikatā Dharmāloka-mukham-
the wish for Dharma entrance into the light of the Dharma

artha-pratiśaraṇatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to taking refuge in the (true) meaning,

{42} Dharma-kāmatā Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the desire for Dharma entrance into the light of the Dharma

loka-pratilambhāya Here loka must be equal to āloka. saṁvartate,
opens the way to acquisition of light,

{43} śruta-paryeṣṭi Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the desire for learning entrance into the light of the Dharma

yoniśo-Dharma-pratyavekṣaṇatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to wise investigation of the Dharma,

{44} samyak-prayogo Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the right application entrance into the light of the Dharma

samyak-pratipattyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to the right practice,

{45} nāma-rūpa-parijñā Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the full knowledge of mind and bodily-form entrance into the light of the Dharma

sarva-saṅga-samatikramāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to overcoming all obstructions,

{46} hetu-dṣṭi-samuddhāṭo Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the appearance of the (right) view about roots entrance into the light of the Dharma

vidyādhimukti-pratilambhāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to the acquisition of the resolution on knowledge,

{47} anunaya-pratigha-prahāṇaṁ Dharmāloka-mukham-
the abandonment of affection and repulsion entrance into the light of the Dharma

anunnāmāvanāmanatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to neither elation nor depression,

{48} skandha-kauśalyaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the skill in the components (of mind and bodily-form) entrance into the light of the Dharma

duḥkha-parijñānatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to full knowledge of suffering,

{49} dhātu-samatā Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the impartiality towards elements entrance into the light of the Dharma

samudaya-prahāṇāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to the abandoning of the arising (of suffering),

{50} āyatanāpakarṣaṇaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the withdrawal from the sense-spheres entrance into the light of the Dharma

mārga-bhāvanatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to development of the path,

{51} anutpāda-kṣānti Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the receptivity to non-arising entrance into the light of the Dharma

nirodha-sākṣāt-kriyāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to witnessing cessation oneself,

The Thirty-Seven Things on the Side of Awakening

The Four Recollections

{52} kāya-gatānusmti Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the recollection of the body entrance into the light of the Dharma

kāya-vivekatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to bodily seclusion,

{53} vedanā-gatānusmti Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the recollection of feelings entrance into the light of the Dharma

sarva-vedita-pratipraśraddhyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to the calming down of all feelings,

{54} citta-gatānusmti Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the recollection of the mind entrance into the light of the Dharma

māyopama-citta-pratyavekṣaṇatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to investigation of the delusory mind,

{55} dharma-gatānusmti Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the recollection of the way things are entrance into the light of the Dharma

vitimira-jñānatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to knowledge of freedom from darkness,

The Four Strivings

{56} catvāri samyak-prahāṇāni Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the four right strivings entrance into the light of the Dharma

opens the way to the abandonment of all unwholesome things,

sarva-kuśala-dharma-paripūrtyai saṁvartate,
and the fulfilment of all wholesome things,

The Four Bases of Spiritual Power

{57} catvāra ddhipādā Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the four bases of spiritual power entrance into the light of the Dharma

kāya-citta-laghutvāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to lightness of body and mind,

The Five Faculties

{58} śraddhendriyaṁ Dharmāloka-mukham-
the faculty of faith entrance into the light of the Dharma

apara-praṇeyatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to not needing to being guided by others,

{59} vīryendriyaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the faculty of energy entrance into the light of the Dharma

suvicintita-jñānatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to knowledge of full consideration,

{60} smtīndriyaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the faculty of mindfulness entrance into the light of the Dharma

sukta-karmatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to actions that are well-performed,

{61} samādhīndriyaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the faculty of concentration entrance into the light of the Dharma

citta-vimuktyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to liberation of mind,

{62} prajñendriyaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the faculty of wisdom entrance into the light of the Dharma

pratyavekṣaṇa-jñānatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to knowledge of investigation,

The Five Strengths

{63} śraddhā-balaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the strength of faith entrance into the light of the Dharma

Māra-bala-samatikramāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to overcoming the strength of Māra,

{64} vīrya-balaṁ Dharmāloka-mukham-
the strength of energy entrance into the light of the Dharma

avaivartikatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to not turning back,

{65} smti-balaṁ Dharmāloka-mukham-
the strength of mindfulness entrance into the light of the Dharma

asaṁhāryatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to not being led astray,

{66} samādhi-balaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the strength of concentration entrance into the light of the Dharma

sarva-vitarka-prahāṇāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to the abandonment of all thoughts,

{67} prajñā-balaṁ Dharmāloka-mukham-
the strength of wisdom entrance into the light of the Dharma

anavamūḍhyatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to not being bewildered,

The Seven Factors of Awakening

{68} smti-saṁbodhyaṅgaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the mindfulness factor of awakening entrance into the light of the Dharma

yathāvad-dharma-prajānatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to proper knowledge of dharmas,

{69} dharma-pravicaya-saṁbodhyaṅgaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the investigation of the (nature of) dharmas factor of awakening entrance into the light of the Dharma

sarva-dharma-paripūrtyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to the fulfilment of all dharmas,

{70} vīrya-saṁbodhyaṅgaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the energy factor of awakening entrance into the light of the Dharma

suvicitra-buddhitāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to manifold intelligence,

{71} prīti-saṁbodhyaṅgaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the joy factor of awakening entrance into the light of the Dharma

samādhy-āyikatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to the possession of concentration,

{72} praśrabdhi-saṁbodhyaṅgaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the tranquillity factor of awakening entrance into the light of the Dharma

kta-karaṇīyatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to the performance of what is to be done,

{73} samādhi-saṁbodhyaṅgaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the concentration factor of awakening entrance into the light of the Dharma

samatānubodhāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to understanding of the equality (of things),

{74} upekṣā-saṁbodhyaṅgaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the equanimity factor of awakening entrance into the light of the Dharma

sarvopapatti-jugupsanatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to disgust with all rebirths,

The Noble Eightfold Path

{75} samyag-dṣṭi Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the right view entrance into the light of the Dharma

nyāyā-kramaṇatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to proceeding systematically,

{76} samyak-saṅkalpo Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the right thought entrance into the light of the Dharma

sarva-kalpa-vikalpa-parikalpa-prahāṇāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to the abandonment of all imaginings, assumptions and presuppositions,

{77} samyag-vāg Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the right speech entrance into the light of the Dharma

sarvākṣara-ruta-ghoṣa-vākya-pratha-pratiśrutkā-samatānubodhanatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to understanding the equally ephemeral nature of all sounds, cries, noises, sentences and readings,

{78} samyak-karmānto Dharmāloka-mukham-
the right action entrance into the light of the Dharma

akarmāvipākatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to a lack of intentional deeds and a lack of results,

{79} samyag-ājīvo Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the right livelihood entrance into the light of the Dharma

sarveṣaṇa-pratipraśraddhyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to the calming down of all impulses,

{80} samyag-vyāyāmo Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the right endeavour entrance into the light of the Dharma

para-tīra-gamanāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to going to the further shore,

{81} samyak-smti Dharmāloka-mukham-
the right mindfulness entrance into the light of the Dharma

asmty-amanasikāratāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to not applying the mind to mindlessness,

{82} samyak-samādhi Dharmāloka-mukham-
the right concentration entrance into the light of the Dharma

akopya-cetaḥ-samādhi-pratilambhāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to the acquisition of concentration and a mind free of anger,


{83} bodhicittaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the mind set on awakening entrance into the light of the Dharma

tri-ratna-vaṁśānupacchedāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to not cutting off the lineage of the three treasures,

{84} āśayo Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the (right) inclination entrance into the light of the Dharma

hīnayānāsphaṇatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to not longing for the inferior vehicle,

{85} adhyāśayo Dharmāloka-mukham-
the (right) determination entrance into the light of the Dharma

udāra-Buddha-Dharmādy-ālambanatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to dependence on the noble Buddha, Dharma and so on,

{86} prayogo Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the application entrance into the light of the Dharma

sarva-kuśala-dharma-paripūrtyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to the fulfilment of all wholesome things,

The Six Perfections

{87} dāna-pāramitā Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the perfection of generosity entrance into the light of the Dharma

* opens the way to purification of the marks and secondary characteristics, and of the Buddha fields,

matsari-sattva-paripācanatāyai saṁvartate,
and to the maturing of beings who are selfish,

{88} śīla-pāramitā Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the perfection of virtue entrance into the light of the Dharma

* opens the way to overcoming all inopportune downfalls,

duḥ-śīla-sattva-paripācanatāyai saṁvartate,
and to the maturing of beings with poor virtue,

{89} kṣānti-pāramitā Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the perfection of patience entrance into the light of the Dharma

* opens the way to the abandonment of all ill-will, stubbornness, faults, conceits, intoxications and arrogance,

vyāpanna-citta-sattva-paripācanatāyai saṁvartate,
and to the maturing of beings whose minds are corrupted,

{90} vīrya-pāramitā Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the perfection of energy entrance into the light of the Dharma

* opens the way to crossing over to the attainment of all roots of wholesomeness,

kuśīda-sattva-paripācanatāyai saṁvartate,
and to the maturing of beings who are lazy,

{91} dhyāna-pāramitā Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the perfection of meditation entrance into the light of the Dharma

opens the way to the arising of all knowledges and deep knowledges,

vikṣipta-citta-sattva-paripācanatāyai saṁvartate,
and to the maturing of beings whose minds are scattered,

{92} prajñā-pāramitā Dharmāloka-mukham-
the perfection of wisdom entrance into the light of the Dharma

avidyā-moha-tamo ’ndhakāropalambha-dṣṭi-prahāṇāya
* opens the way to the abandonment of views based on ignorance, delusion, darkness and blindness,

duṣ-prajña-sattva-paripācanatāyai saṁvartate,
and to the maturing of beings without wisdom,


{93} upāya-kauśalaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the skill in means entrance into the light of the Dharma

* opens the way to exhibiting the posture of beings who act according to resolution,

sarva-Buddha-Dharmāvidhamanatāyai saṁvartate,
and to the non-destruction of all Buddha-Dharma,

{94} catvāri saṅgraha-vastūni Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the four bases of sympathy entrance into the light of the Dharma

* opens the way to sympathy for beings,

saṁbodhi-prāptasya ca,
to attainment of awakening,

Dharma-saṁpraty-avekṣaṇatāyai saṁvartate,
and to consideration of the attainment of the Dharma,

{95} sattva-paripāko Dharmāloka-mukham-
the mature being entrance into the light of the Dharma

ātma-sukhānadhy-avasānāyāparikhedatāyai saṁvartate,
* opens the way to a lack of claim on one’s own happiness, and to non-weariness with the conclusion,

{96} Saddharma-parigraho Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the embracing of the True Dharma entrance into the light of the Dharma

sarva-sattva-saṅkleśa-prahāṇāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to the abandonment of the defilements of all beings,

The Four Requisites

{97} puṇya-saṁbhāro Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the requisite of merits entrance into the light of the Dharma

sarva-sattvopajīvyatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to the serving of all beings,

{98} jñāna-saṁbhāro Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the requisite of knowledge entrance into the light of the Dharma

daśa-bala-pratipūrtyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to the fulfilment of the ten strengths,

{99} śamatha-saṁbhāro Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the requisite of calm entrance into the light of the Dharma

Tathāgata-samādhi-pratilambhāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to the acquisition of the concentration of a Realised One,

{100} vidarśanā-saṁbhāro Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the requisite of insight entrance into the light of the Dharma

prajñā-cakṣuḥ-pratilambhāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to the acquisition of the wisdom-eye,

Four Analytical Knowledges

{101} pratisaṁvid-avatāro Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the attainment of the (four) analytical knowledges entrance into the light of the Dharma

Dharma-cakṣuḥ-pratilambhāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to the acquisition of the Dharma-eye,

Four Reliances

{102} pratiśaraṇāvatāro Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the attainment of the (four) reliances entrance into the light of the Dharma

Buddha-cakṣuḥ-pariśuddhyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to the acquisition of the Buddha-eye,

Four Retentions

{103} dhāraṇī-pratilambho Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the acquisition of the (four) retentions entrance into the light of the Dharma

sarva-Buddha-bhāṣitā-dhāraṇatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to bearing in mind the speech of all the Buddhas,


{104} pratibhāna-pratilambho Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the acquisition of inspired speech entrance into the light of the Dharma

sarva-sattva-subhāṣita-saṁtoṣaṇāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to contentment with the good counsel of all beings,

{105} ānulomika-Dharma-kṣānti Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the receptivity from being in conformity with Dharma entrance into the light of the Dharma

sarva-Buddha-Dharmānulomanatāyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to being in conformity with all Buddha-Dharma,

{106} anutpattika-Dharma-kṣānti Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the receptivity to the Dharma of non-arising entrance into the light of the Dharma

vyākaraṇa-pratilambhāya saṁvartate,
opens the way to the acquisition of lucidity,

{107} avaivartika-bhūmi Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the ground of non turning back entrance into the light of the Dharma

sarva-Buddha-Dharma-pratipūrtyai saṁvartate,
opens the way to the fulfilment of all Buddha-Dharma,

{108} bhūmer-bhūmi-saṅkrānti-jñānaṁ Dharmāloka-mukhaṁ
the knowledge of the passage from ground to ground entrance into the light of the Dharma

sarvajña-jñānābhiṣekatāyai saṁvartate.
opens the way to being consecrated with omniscient knowledge.


Abhiṣeka-bhūmi Dharmāloka-mukham-
The ground of consecration entrance into the light of the Dharma

* opens the way to manifesting the descent, birth, consecration,

difficult (ascetic) lifestyle, approach to the vicinity of the bodhi-tree,

defeat of Māra, the Awakening,

turning of the Dharma-Wheel,

Mahā-Parinirvāṇa-saṁdarśanatāyai saṁvartate.
and Great Emancipation.


Idaṁ tan-Mārṣā aṣṭottaraṁ Dharmāloka-mukha-śataṁ,
This, Sirs, is the one hundred and eight (constituting) the Entrance into the Light of the Dharma,

yad-avaśyaṁ Bodhisattvena cyavana-kāla-samaye,
which, invariably, the Bodhisattva, at the time of the descent (into the womb),

deva-parṣadi saṁprakāśayitavyam.
will reveal to the assembly of the gods.